
The Importance Of The Gifts Of The Spirit

A church that doesn't allow the gifts of the Spirit to operate in the church is half dead!...

Lifeline Today with Dick and Joan, episode 49

You will hear Dick preach on Palm Sunday.

Arise with Susan with Guest Kevin Zadai XP

My friend Kevin Zadai died and has a message burning in him to share with us! Get ready to...

Crushing Gossip パトリシア・キング「噂を打ち砕く」

Learn to apply the 'test of three' before you speak to determine if what you are about...

Russian-Sexually Abused Boy Finds His Voice

Tom can't remember a time when someone wasn't sexually abusing him, whether it was his...

Lifeline Today with Dick and Joan, episode 56

Dick is preaching on the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Katies Christmas Experience

Katie Souza shares an amazing Christmas experience she had while in state prison.

The Power of Words

There are power in the words we speak. The Bible says: "Life and death are in the power of...

Spirit Soul Body Alignment

Many people are misaligned and there are many symptoms. It's important that your body find...

Jenna Quinn - Redeeming Child Abuse

Jenna was sexually abused by her father's best friend, who was also her best friend's...

7 Keys to Build Your Confidence

A confident person gives other people confidence. Confidence is the core of charisma…. When you...

Physical Fruit From A Spiritual Root

Don't just remove the symptom, uproot the cause.