What to Heal, What to Crucify
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding explains that we can get healed from a broken heart...
The True Vine
Pastor Mike Harding teaches at Love Gospel Church on Jesus as the true vine. He shares how Jesus...
The Cost of Discipleship
Pastor Missy teaches us through different examples from the Word of God, the cost of being a...
Praying for Daily Bread
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on Jesus and the presence of God being the...
Fellowship W/ the Holy Spirit
Fellowship with the Holy Spirit involves sharing our lives in common with him. It means opening...
Mary's Story
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on Mary, the Mother of Jesus and her journey...
Equipping the Saints Enter the Sabbath Rest
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on the concept of a Sabbath rest. He explains...
Connecting People to God's Heart
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding discusses how we are relational ambassadors for Christ.
Pastor Missy Beik - 'Stay Far From Rebellion'
In Message 6 of the How to Avoid Rebellion set, we Learn through Saul's example the high...
Pastor Missy Beik Teaches on : 'How God Deals With Rebellion'
Pastor Missy teaches about how God deals rebellion and its consequences from the passage of...
There Will Be Earthquakes
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding shares about the power of God coming in increasing...
The Promise of His Coming
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on the end times and promises we have of...
Walk By Faith Not By Sight
An encouragement to walk by faith in a spirit of conquest for the Kingdom of God, enlarging your...
The Father's Love
Hear about the Father's love for you and learn how to get rid of the junk in the trunk and...
How to be Led by the Spirit
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding shares how to develop your spirit to be conscious to...
The Mystery part 9
Pastor Mike Harding continues to unravel the Mystery at Love Gospel Church. He teaches on...