
Making A Message Out Of Your Mess

Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares a miraculous experience that she had while visiting another country.

How to Live Under An Open Heaven A-Team

John 10:10 Jesus said, "I came that you may have life and have it abundantly."...

Grow Up

There are people that God will bring into your life, not necessarily to stroke you, but some of...

Lifeline Today with Dick and Joan, episode 54

Our guests today are Al and Terry Purvis of Victory ASIA. We are talking about what they are...

Derrick Gates - Part 1 of 2

Derrick Gates - Part 1 of 2

Thoughts On Women Preachers

The question is presented to Dr. Clarice Fluitt "Does God call women to preach?"

Don't Wound The Wounded

Are are to be Christ in the earth. We need to stop wounding the wounded. Watch now and be...

"Miracles in America" - Encounter TV- Episode 25

In this episode of Encounter TV, David Diga Hernandez ministers healing in Lawndale, CA, a...

How To Convert A Dream Into A Goal

Dr. Clarice Fluitt explains steps on how to make your dreams come true!

Jenna Quinn - Redeeming Child Abuse

Jenna was sexually abused by her father's best friend, who was also her best friend's...

Christian Life Coaching

Jennie shares her journey of becoming a Christian Life Coach.

The Soul

There is a lot more to the soul than we understand.