
Cindy Perez

Posted 1 year ago by Angela Greenig – Angela Greenig

Angela Greenig is a seasoned Seer/Crusader for Jesus Christ and a leading force in deliverance ministry. For over 39 years she has been a Defender of the Faith and a Voice for those who have no voice, traveling the world, preaching and training up the bod

Cindy is like an unstoppable glory train, once it gets moving you can't make it even slow down. The first time I ever saw her she was on her knees in such deep prayer and intercession and travailing for the people. Every time I have gone back and seen her she is doing the same. She is an intercessor Warrior and a worshiper minister, and just an all that incredible young woman, and I am excited to see what God has further in store for her in the years to come!

Keywords: perez

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