
Prophetic Women

Posted 8 years ago by Patricia King "Everlasting Love TV" – Patricia King

Patricia King's weekly television show and teaching content.

In many places, in many eras, and in many ways, women have been an oppressed people group. Even in this day there are areas where women are not recognized and celebrated for the fullness of their worth, value, gifts and callings. But on this very special episode of Everlasting Love TV, Patricia King shares a profound prophetic word from the Lord for His precious daughters that is going to shift things in the spirit. Shackles are coming off and limitations are being shattered. God is moving among women in powerful ways ... and He is about to move through you!

Direct file link: https://xpmedia.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/node/838/17838/original_video.mp4?AWSAccessKeyId=YV25CDEQWOCEBC3T5XQ6&Expires=1742843215&Signature=DFqHzYawNXN5MmrXmiI1SAR8YD4%3D