
Trost Moving Pictures is an independent film studio created by award-winning director Tracy J Trost in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We have 3 films, 2 books, and a motivational podcast that will challenge and inspire you to live your life to its greatest potential.

Can A Man Change His Stars?

Jun 13, 2012

Can a man can change his future & follow his dreams? What determines if we succeed or not?

Opportunity Knocks

Jun 13, 2012

Are you interested in opportunity? Too often we wait for things to happen to us instead of being...

Your Life Says More Than Words

Jun 14, 2012

Tracy's 3 keys to making your dreams come true and how your life says more about you than...

Help Others First and Succeed

Jun 14, 2012

How you can succeed in life by helping others first and seeing if your goals are a want or a desire.

Help Others First and Succeed

Jun 14, 2012

How you can succeed in life by helping others first and seeing if your goals are a want or a desire.

Help Others First and Succeed

Jun 14, 2012

How you can succeed in life by helping others first and seeing if your goals are a want or a desire.

School Of The Gladiator

School Of The Gladiator On-Line Teaching Series Overview

School Of The Gladiator

School Of The Gladiator On-Line Teaching Series Overview

Help Others First and Succeed

Jun 14, 2012

How you can succeed in life by helping others first and seeing if your goals are a want or a desire.

If You Dream It, You Can Do It

Jun 14, 2012

You first have to believe something is possible before you can achieve it. Just Believe!

Help Others First and Succeed

Jun 14, 2012

How you can succeed in life by helping others first and seeing if your goals are a want or a desire.

The Lamp: Filming in Oklahoma

Interviews from the cast about what it was like to film in Oklahoma and work with director Tracy...

Healing Of The Heart

Hear a powerful testimony of how Elain received healing for her heart. Then receive the healing...