
Trost Moving Pictures is an independent film studio created by award-winning director Tracy J Trost in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We have 3 films, 2 books, and a motivational podcast that will challenge and inspire you to live your life to its greatest potential.

What is Your Legacy?

Nov 12, 2012

Tracy received a listener question, “What do you want to be remembered for when “the lights go out”?

Giving More Than You Are Paid For

Nov 12, 2012

In this episode Tracy talks with friend and business partner Joe Jestus about what happens when...

Back to the Basics: The 3 Keys to Success

Nov 12, 2012

In this episode Tracy talks with friend and business partner Joe Jestus about going back to the...

Dysfunctional Inspiration - Part 1

Nov 12, 2012

In this episode, Tracy talks with friend, world record holder, and business owner Arthur Greeno...

Dysfunctional Inspiration - Part 2

Nov 12, 2012

In this episode Tracy finishes his talk with friend, world record holder, and business owner...

Becoming the Biggest Loser - Part 1

Oct 31, 2012

Tracy and Danny Cahill, Season 8 winner on The Biggest Loser, talk about winning, losing,...

Becoming the Biggest Loser - Part 2

Oct 31, 2012

Tracy and Danny Cahill, Season 8 winner on The Biggest Loser, talk about winning, losing,...

How A Blind Man Sees

Oct 31, 2012

Tracy sits down with the bestselling author of The Ultimate Gift Jim Stovall to talk about his...

The Power to Create - Part 1

Oct 31, 2012

Tracy sits down with author Tim Redmond to talk about his latest book "Power to...

The Power to Create - Part 2

Oct 31, 2012

Tracy sits down with author Tim Redmond to finish talking about his latest book “Power to...

I want it! But Do You Need It?

Oct 31, 2012

Tracy J Trost sits down with his good friend Cliff Ravenscraft to talk about why we get...

What Are You Feeding Yourself?

Oct 31, 2012

Tracy sits down once again with his close friend Cliff Ravenscraft to get a dose of happiness as...

What's Holding You Back From A Successful Life?

Oct 30, 2012

Tracy J Trost sits down with his close friend and counselor/pastor Mark Tietsort to learn about...

Help Others First and Succeed

Jun 14, 2012

How you can succeed in life by helping others first and seeing if your goals are a want or a desire.

Your Life Says More Than Words

Jun 14, 2012

Tracy's 3 keys to making your dreams come true and how your life says more about you than...

If You Dream It, You Can Do It

Jun 14, 2012

You first have to believe something is possible before you can achieve it. Just Believe!

Can A Man Change His Stars?

Jun 13, 2012

Can a man can change his future & follow his dreams? What determines if we succeed or not?

Opportunity Knocks

Jun 13, 2012

Are you interested in opportunity? Too often we wait for things to happen to us instead of being...