
Royree Jensen is a Holy Ghost Trailer Blazer, a dynamic prophetic teacher with a brilliant ability to articulate the reality of the Kingdom of God in a powerful and humorous way. Her uncompromising message is God plus nothing.

Sunday morning at the River


Supernatural Living

Clarice Fluitt

Position Yourself

We are living in a generation where young people feel like things should be handed to them on a...

Live Your Life On Purpose

Intentionality is very important in everything that you do. Whatever you focus on your empower!

Live Your Life On Purpose

Intentionality is very important in everything that you do. Whatever you focus on your empower!

Hope Come Back!

The dream that God gave me, relating to Hope. We need HOPE!!

Hope Come Back!

The dream that God gave me, relating to Hope. We need HOPE!!

Chocolates on Fathers Day!

We have a tradition here at River of Life. Chocolates for the Dads on Fathers Day

A Fathers Blessing

Did your father leave you with a blessing? Listen to Dave pronounce a blessing, as a father in...

Breath of God

God BREATHED life into us, into our nostrils.

Burning Ones Day 3 Patricia King

A kingdom commissioning to those in business!

Christmas Story 'Royree Style'

Enjoy the Christmas story, told a little differently, with one of Royree's grandchildren

Here's a thought!

Did you ever look at it this way?

The Way Maker

God is very intentional about showing His people the way He wants us to go. His glory points the...

Feel like you're living in chaos?

Chaotic? Crazy? God is in control!


What does courage look like? It can surprise you!

Clark Taylor Interview

A short interview with one of Australias most outstanding Apostles, Clark Taylor

Can Rules Equal Approval?

Can we use rules to gain God's approval?