The Sign of Jonah
Early Christian inscription and motif of the resurrection were recently discovered on...
Fulfilling End Time Prophecy
When indigenious people from the far corners of the Earth come to bless Israel, it is a sign. ...
Repairing Israel for Messiah
Jerusalem today is buzzing with numerous repair and reconstruction projects. Sign posts...
Israel Prepares for Iran War
As the international community debates the escalating Iranian nuclear missile crisis, Israel...
Israel: Valley of decision
As U.N. member-states cast their votes for Palestinian statehood, they enter the valley of...
Oil in Zion, oh joy!
Can 3000 year-old passages of the Bible contain a modern-day treasure map for the discovery of...
Israel: Price of a Son
IDF soldier Gilad Schalit, held five years by Hamas terrorists, was released. But what will his...
Israel: Facing the giants
Israelis see themselves as modern-day pioneers whose duty it is to occupy the land in spite of...
Israel: Missiles and miracles
Random misses or divine intervention? Despite the upsurge in incoming rockets, the targeting of...
The Battle for Jerusalem
Is control over Jerusalem's Temple Mount - the holiest site of Judaism - the ultimate...
MidEast Turmoil a God Window
As flames engulf North Africa and the MidEast, what will be the outcome for Israel, the tiny...
Israel Fields Ripe for Harvest
Dozens of American and Canadian Christian volunteer harvesters have Jewish vintners in Israel...
Davidic harp school Jerusalem
For the first time in 2000 years, the sound of a harp ensemble reminiscent of King David’s...
Israeli TV explores Jesus
During this Passover season Israeli TV will, for the first time, explore the crucifixion of...
Ready for War
Because of the constant threat of war, 2009 saw most extensive war preparation in Israeli history.
O Jerusalem
Israelis undeterred by on-going pressure from international community to curtail Israeli land...
From the River Movie Trailer
Cdn documentary highlights key prophetic words pointing to unprecedented national revival.