Christian Israelis Go To War
Upsurge of radical Islam and regional persecution of Christians in sharp contrast to rights and...
Onward Christian Soldiers
With no end in sight for the tensions in the Middle East, Israel is bolstering its ability to...
Israel: Loving the enemy
Israeli kindness toward wounded Syrians injured by Syrian Civil War is reversing inbred Syrian...
Israel: Safe in enemy hands Pt 1
Although Israel and Syria are officially at war, the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) regularly risk...
Israel: World's largest underground hospital
Israel completes construction on world's largest fully-functioning underground emergency...
Canadian PM's historic Knesset speech
On January 20, 2014, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper became the first foreign diplomat to...
Canada Stands Up for Israel
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper arrived in Israel last week to embark on a journey of firsts.
Drawing the line on peace
Will Israel bend under increasing international pressure to give away more land for peace?
Israel: Obama, man of peace?
Obama and Netanyahu agree on issues that could influence the future security of Israel.
Israel: Esther story tops nuclear Iran
As Iran stepped up its quest for nuclear weaponry this week, Israel commemorated the salvation...
When will Iran's nuke be ready?
Former head of Israeli military intelligence and current director of Israel’s Institute for...
Israel: Putting God back in power?
A shift in the landscape of Israeli politics has given rise to the Yesh Atid party and the...
Israel: Miracles of war
Behind the scenes with Marney Blom: what happens when missiles land in Israel's southern Negev.
Israel: Preparing for war
Behind the scenes with Marney Blom, see how the nation of Israel strategically engages its...
Israel: Giving God no rest
Thousands of European Christians walk the ancient ramparts of the walls of Jerusalem each year,...
Israel: War at the door
As the storm clouds of a regional conflict loom large on the horizon, Israelis have been...
Israel Secures Egypt Border
With the recent upsurge in rocket fire into the Negev and the tenuous results of the Egyptian...
Israel: Clues to future temple
3,000-year-old artifacts shed new light on obscure Biblical terminology describing the temple of...