Walk in the Spirit
After Jesus went to heaven he sent the Holy Spirit to be our guide, friend, and power source.
Pastor Missy: 'Gifts of Healing: Faith Brings Healing'
Pastor Missy continues teaching on the Gifts Of Healing. Through 2 examples we understand that...
The Prayer of Jabez
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding explains that we should pray desire and pray for...
The God of Your Heart's Desire
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding explains that God cares about you, your dreams,...
Expanding Your Expectations
This teaching can change your life by removing self-imposed limits off of a limitless God.
The Advancing Church
September 4th 2011 message given at Love Gospel Church - Apache Jct, Az
Pastor Missy Beik teaches on 'Who am I fighting against?'
In this message Pastor Missy Beik shows us from the Bible who our battle is with and how to...
The Way of Honor
Pastor Mike Harding discusses, with Love Gospel church, keys to having happy, healthy family. He...
As He is so Are We-Prophet
Jesus was a prophet who sought the heart of God and what he was doing to partner with him.
Becoming a Powerful Person- Keys to Building Powerful Relationsh
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on keys to to building powerful, long-lasting...
Pr. Missy Beik 'Angels Defend God and God's People'
Through Isaiah 36-37 God teaches us how He defends Himself and His people. What He did for King...
The Mystery part 4
Pastor Mike Harding teaches on the Seven parts of The Mystery. Through the death of Jesus on the...
The Father's Love
Hear about the Father's love for you and learn how to get rid of the junk in the trunk and...
Discover Love, Love Boldly part 2
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding continues to discuss love. He teaches how Jesus...
Becoming Powerful People- The Big Lie
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding explains that Satan tries to get some big lie into...
The Gift of Working of a Miracle by Pastor Missy Beik
This working of a miracle happened because of a covenant between Jonathan and David. King David...
Pastor Missy Beik teaches on: Be Ready Jesus Is Coming!
Learn through the parable of the wise and foolish virgins, how this applies to the Church,...
Proverbs, College for Kings
A teaching on how Proverbs was written as training for us to reign as Kings in the earth.