Mary's Story
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on Mary, the Mother of Jesus and her journey...
Proverbs College for Kings part 2
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding discusses that we are in training to reign as Kings....
The Greatest of this is LOVE by Pastor Missy Beik
Let this teaching from the Word of God redefine for you what true love is. Paul is very open in...
Hunger For The Lord
Iverna Tompkins speaks about the joys of having Jesus meet our every need as we nurture our faith.
Tribute To Mary Goddard
Patricia and Mary Audrey Raycroft pay tribute to their mentor, Mary Goddard, an early pioneer in...
Pastor Missy Beik Teaches on 'The New Blood Covenant'
The New Blood Covenant of Jesus Christ empowers us according to 1Peter to sprinkle the blood of...
Freedom from Forgiveness
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on how you can gain freedom and peace in...
The Glory
Pastor Mike Harding teaches at Love Gospel Church on the ever increasing Glory. He explains how...
Carrying His Heart
Can He trust you with His very heart? This message was given at a South Africa conference.
The Gift
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches an object lesson on the free gifts of God. He...
Recognize Your Opportunity
Dr. Clarice Fluitt explains without passion there is no power to perform. You and God make a...
How the Devil and Demons Operate
Pastor Missy teaches on fear and doubt, they are not an emotion but a spirit from the enemy that...
Equipping the Saints-The Tabernacle as a Model for Prayer
Pastor Mike Harding teaches on The tabernacle of Moses as a prayer model. He shares on the...
Message 3 - Gift Of Discerning Of Spirits by Pastor Missy Beik
Exciting biblical examples of the importance of knowing what spirt you are dealing with.
Going to the Other Side
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Marcy Saggio shares about having vision, faith, and focus to reach...