
God's Anti-Aging Plan - Part 1

Posted 7 years ago by Patricia King "Everlasting Love TV" – Patricia King

Patricia King's weekly television show and teaching content.

In this week’s episode of Everlasting Love TV, Patricia King shares some revelatory insights she has received from the Lord about how we can prosper, succeed, increase, be strengthened and energized as we grow in years. Just because we are accumulating experience and wisdom does not mean we have to get “old.” The fullness of God’s glory is living inside each of us – watch today and discover how you can tap into the glory of your “latter house” today!

Direct file link: https://xpmedia.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/node/892/17892/original_video.mp4?AWSAccessKeyId=YV25CDEQWOCEBC3T5XQ6&Expires=1741114950&Signature=cAOeT2DqCfkTKKAR8txKS5jYsXQ%3D