
‘Joy Apostles’ Georgian and Winnie Banov are a radical power team. Boldly declaring the finished work of Calvary, their message imparts a deep revelation of Christ in you and releases freedom, love, joy, supernatural wholeness, and creative miracles.

Testimonies of Grace

As Georgian shares, his joy becomes contagious and your faith will be stirred. What the Lord has...

Gold from Galatians_Part 7

This revelation from Galatians has completely revolutionized my heart and life, and it still...

Gold from Galatians_Part 8

This revelation from Galatians has completely revolutionized my heart and life, and it still...

Gold from Galatians_Part 6

This revelation from Galatians has completely revolutionized my heart and life, and it still...

Gold from Galatians_Part 5

This revelation from Galatians has completely revolutionized my heart and life, and it still...

Gold from Galatians_Part 4

This revelation from Galatians has completely revolutionized my heart and life, and it still...

Gold from Galatians_Part 3

This revelation from Galatians has completely revolutionized my heart and life, and it still...

Gold from Galatians_Part 2

This revelation from Galatians has completely revolutionized my heart and life, and it still...

Gold from Galatians_Part 1

This revelation from Galatians has completely revolutionized my heart and life, and it still...

God's Supernatural Energy #5

There is a supernatural, superhuman energy available to this generation.

God's Supernatural Energy #4

There is a supernatural, superhuman energy available to this generation.

God's Supernatural Energy #3

There is a supernatural, superhuman energy available to this generation.

God's Supernatural Energy #2

There is a supernatural, superhuman energy available to this generation.

God's Supernatural Energy #1

There is a supernatural, superhuman energy available to this generation.

Upcoming Elections in America

The Lord wants leaders who will lead the U.S. into her divine destiny; lovers of life &...

Your New Heart

Jesus came to give you a brand new God-willed heart. He destroyed the old and gave you a new...

*B.L.I.S.S. Report ::: #4

We've been forgiven *and* changed! Salvation is out of all proportion to the fall of man,...

*B.L.I.S.S. Report ::: #3

A generational blessing flowing down to us. It's Bliss brimming like a river; it's the...