
“And the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at Shiloh, and set up the tabernacle of the congregation there.” – Joshua 18:1

Mary Audrey Raycroft Shares

Patricia interviews Mary Audrey about her experience in ministry at Toronto Airport Christian...

Mary Audrey Raycroft Shares

Patricia interviews Mary Audrey about her experience in ministry at Toronto Airport Christian...

Healing Wounds of Rejection

Jim Wies delivers a powerful message and prayer for healing wounds of rejection.

Healing Wounds of Rejection

Jim Wies delivers a powerful message and prayer for healing wounds of rejection.

A Solution For Stress

Patricia King's speaks on ways to conquer stress.

A Solution For Stress

Patricia King's speaks on ways to conquer stress.

A Solution For Stress

Patricia King's speaks on ways to conquer stress.

A Solution For Stress

Patricia King's speaks on ways to conquer stress.

My Trip to Heaven

After a young woman's father dies God allows her a visit to Heaven.

My Trip to Heaven

After a young woman's father dies God allows her a visit to Heaven.

Divine Encounter Changes Everything

Nicki can't get through her grief until a divine encounter happens.

Divine Encounter Changes Everything

Nicki can't get through her grief until a divine encounter happens.

A Solution for Stress!

Patricia King's message on stress and how to prevent it from over taking your life

A Solution for Stress!

Patricia King's message on stress and how to prevent it from over taking your life

A Solution for Stress!

Patricia King's message on stress and how to prevent it from over taking your life

A Solution for Stress!

Patricia King's message on stress and how to prevent it from over taking your life

Healing Your Soul 1 with Katie Souza

This episode is Part 1 of a 5 part series on how the wounds in our soul may be causing all kinds...

Healing Your Soul 1 with Katie Souza

This episode is Part 1 of a 5 part series on how the wounds in our soul may be causing all kinds...