by Ray Hughes


Throughout history the Church has been defined and redefined by the choices that were made at many crossroads. Crossroads are points and seasons of decision that have shaped people's and nation's understanding of God. History tells us that God has typically placed unique individuals at those crossroads that have had fresh encounters with Him. Because they had revelatory encounters they were willing to stand and direct the masses when they came to those points of decision. It’s as if they were created for conflict and controversy, and they boldly pointed the new way. They were and are known as reformers. Some called them revolutionists, others considered them as radical rebels to the cause of Christ. The statements they made with their very lives then have become so familiar to us now that we often consider the truths that they brought to be fundamental and we treat them as elementary concepts. In fact, their ideas were so profoundly radical in their day that they challenged the foundational beliefs of all of Christendom. Martin Luther, John Knox, John Calvin, George Whitefield, John and Charles Wesley and the list goes on... Each rose up at critical times and not only influenced their generation but they profoundly impacted the generations that would follow. However, I think we should be reminded that before they became "institutions" they were simply young men full of questions, and they asked the hard ones. Unfortunately, systems and institutions that are not willing to ask the hard questions are usually not willing to embrace the answers when they come.


Many religious institutions have missed very real and valid visitations by closing their doors to anything that challenges their experience. We as Christians are sometimes known to resist any experience or theology that was not initiated within our own movement. It is also true that many of our past experiences serve to keep us from embracing what God desires to do in our future. Basically, we become so full of what God has said that we can't hear what God is saying. We feel that we have an obligation to God to resist anything that challenges the sanctity of what we have built for Him, based upon our present theology.


What if a holy and pure hearted generation full of passion and hunger for a fresh revelation of God surfaced today? I wonder what that would look like? I believe it would look like gatherings standing at a crossroads, willing to ask questions that many do not want to face. They know in their heart of hearts that God is far more wondrous and wonderful than He is depicted in modern society. They believe that He is so awesome and infinitely multi-dimensional that many aspects of His true nature have never been realized in generations past. They are the bold ones that are willing to stand at the crossroads and contend. They accept nothing less than real signs and wonders, immeasurable miracles and unimaginable outpourings. They are looking for culture shaping, society shaking demonstrations of God's love. They are willing to stand as long as it takes at the point of decision, and ask the hard questions until the answer comes. They are the ones that find honest, authentic joy even in the days of contending, for they know that contenders become inheritors. They are willing to look past the present and into the throne room of eternity and embrace a fresh revelation of God. They are willing to question, for they know that their generation is not only defined by the statements that they make, but also by the questions that they ask.


Well, they have surfaced... They stand at a crossroads...



Suggested Resource: The Spirit Of The Pioneer



Ray, founder of Selah Ministries, has been in full time ministry for 40 years.  He received his Doctorate of Divinity in 1996.  He travels in the U.S. and internationally as a speaker, author, storyteller, singer/songwriter and musicologist.  In addition to his research and teaching expertise, Ray is recognized internationally as a clear prophetic voice.