By Dr. Robin Harfouche
A developed soul has not died to self. They have not become alive to God. Instead, they’ve allowed the old man to take control of their renewed human spirit. Through prayer, that person calls the desires of their developed soul into being. They will it to happen. Human beings have a tendency to set their heart on a particular something and then cling to it with their developed soul. It’s not the will of God, but they hold onto it with everything in them until it comes to pass. In time, they will shipwreck.
That’s the realm of controlling spirits and it happens frequently in charismatic circles. It is called charismatic witchcraft. It’s when people use the power of prayer or a spiritual gift to force their soulish desires on another. It’s not the will of God, so the power of God does not back it up. It’s void of the Spirit of Truth. It’s a spiritual vacuum. Instead, the inappropriate use of that gift acts as a door opener into the demonic realm.
What is charismatic witchcraft? It’s the intercessor praying that the pastor would take the church in a different direction. It’s a young woman praying that a certain man would have feelings for her. It’s the individual who gives parking lot prophecies or lays hands on another with the intent of forcing a desire on them through spiritual means. For this reason, many ministers have shied away from teaching the Saints the true Word of God concerning spiritual gifts. They don’t want to deal with charismatic witchcraft in the church.
I am going to expose charismatic witchcraft. I am not afraid to deal with it! Somebody may say in their heart, “Dr. Robin, you’re opening up a can of worms.” You better believe I am! I hope every worm gets exposed. I did not come out of the world to be tapped by somebody else’s soulish bondage. I will not allow charismatic witchcraft or controlling spirits in our church. It’s not people. It’s not a person. It’s a problem.
It’s a problem just like adultery or fornication. It requires deliverance.
Suggested Resource: Soul Ties Book
In 1986, God gave Dr. Robin a vision to train and equip a generation of 400,000 miracle workers for the final harvest of souls. Today, Dr. Robin travels the globe with her husband, Dr. Christian Harfouche, literally running to keep up with that divine mandate.
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