By Dr. Christian Harfouche
I heard the booming voice of the Lord say,
“There is a spirit that wants to destroy ministry, break covenant, usurp authority, steal from My people, and keep My children trapped with the same patterns that he has used in generations past.” What I would see for the next 45 minutes, with open eyes, would be accompanied by the Holy Spirit’s clear communication, teaching, instruction, and revelation.”
The Spirit of the Lord filled the room and the presence of the Spirit rested strongly upon me. Spiritual things are not easy to put into words, but an atmosphere of somberness and a thick presence would have been experienced by anyone who may have walked into that sacred place. My eyes were filled with tears as the weight of opportunity and responsibility from the Lord seemed to weigh heavy on my heart. As the presence of the Lord continued to move in and increase, it became evident to me, that the Lord wanted to disclose some supernatural information.
I saw at a distance the clear, large head of a bull. He faced forty-five degrees away from my gaze. It was evident that a principality of some kind was being revealed. His visage was firm and calculated and his stillness, coupled with his massive size, made me to know that he has been on assignment for generations. His horns were different from the horns of a bull. They resembled massive horns of a ram and were black and imposing. His color was jet black. He was clearly revealed by the Holy Spirit as a calculated, long-term strategist, who exercises territorial methods of destruction to rule. Many names and characteristics were spoken to us in the ensuing hours, defining, describing, and exposing this age old spirit.
As I stood there watching this imposing enemy for forty-five minutes or so, an awareness of the power of God and the victory that His children possess filled my mind. I was sure the Lord opened my eyes to uncover the workings of a destructive representative of the dark kingdom, to reveal His answers and His help to man.
I watched the spirit’s eyes and his determined focus. He was unaware that I saw him clearly and was not distracted from the direction of his gaze. This was the enemy of humankind – a spirit that instigates the works of the flesh, and presses man to pursue man’s own will at the expense of others – the instigator of selfish desires. I was aware that he craves the respect and the obedience of people. This was not an angry, impatient, low-level spirit; but thought himself to be a dignitary of the ruling class that craves and demands the attention and the focus of everything around him. He is the inciter of self-seeking, the fueler of disputes and disagreements, and the motivator of wars. This is a forceful image that motivates the world to seek the strength of the flesh, and the might of one’s personal ability; that encourages man to achieve their goals through the agency of misinformation, mischief, misconduct, and by any means necessary. I knew immediately that this force is the obstacle hindering the children of God from receiving the fullness that God has for them, by implementing forceful or natural means intended to distract and deter them.
While uncovering this spirit’s method will translate to the blessing of lives; it also translates to a national and international level in our world today. In governments, in economies, in the market place, and in our social life, we see a marked manifestation of those who are driven to seek selfish promotion by means of pushing and shoving. These are bullying tyrants, that will stop at nothing; willing to lie, manipulate, steal, cheat and control, in order to achieve their personal gain. These negative attributes of achieving personal gain at the expense of others, are directly inspired by the inciter of evil and fanned by this age old spirit.
All truth is parallel, if we know how our enemy has operated in the past, then we can understand how he is operating now. When you know your enemy, you will know not only his weaknesses, but you will also know his strengths. You may think that the dark prince has no strength, but his strength is in his ability to shroud himself in webs of lies and deceit.
Satan’s strengths are in your compromise. His power is your compromise. His ability is contingent upon your disobedience. Contrastingly, his defeat is in your strength and dedication. His lack of ability is in your ability to yield to the Word of God. We are called, not only to be willing, but also to be obedient. This qualifies us for great blessing– to eat of the good of the land, as promised in the Word of God. We must be knowledgeable. We must be willing to know the truth, and we must be ready to do something with the truth we know.
Suggested Resource: Battles Of The Elohim
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Christian Harfouche
As best selling author and founder of the International Miracle Institute, a fully accredited Bible education program, Dr. Harfouche has trained 100,000 students, leaders and pastors in over 170 nations.
Together with his wife, Robin, he conducts miracle-soul winning crusades and conferences, touring multiple nations and cities each year. His television program, Miracles Today can be viewed worldwide.
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