By Dr. Robin Harfouche
“The Sword of the Spirit”
The healing of the female spirit is one of the most important things that women need in the world today. As we prepare to go into that place of healing, I’d like to show you how the Word of God and the Holy Spirit will bring about this change in your life.
“For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit,8 and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”
Hebrews 4:12
The Word of God is alive and powerful. Jesus is the Word made flesh. Therefore, the very essence of the Word is spirit and life. As you are reading this under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the sword of the Spirit is actively working in your life. It is working to accomplish what it was sent out to do. It will not return void. It will produce results. Jesus will heal your heart and the provision of heaven will bring restoration to your soul.
The Word of God is sharp. In fact, it’s sharper than any two-edged sword! You don’t have to hit someone over the head with it or hack them up with it. It’s not that kind of a sword! It is not a dull sword that renders repeated blows. In other words, you can hear something once under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and that Word will pierce into your heart through the love of God and accomplish in that very second what God has sent it to do. Isn’t that good news?
The Word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword piercing….
Another word for piercing is penetrating. The Word of God is penetrating. As you read this, the Word of God is penetrating into different areas of your life. You may not even know all the areas that the Word of God needs to penetrate! You may have a conscious understanding of some of those areas, but the Word of God has an intimate knowledge of the areas that He needs to perform a deep healing in.
…even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow….
The Word of God accurately divides between the soul and the spirit and the joints and the marrow. Do you know the reason that the Lord gives that example? Medical doctors tell us that it is impossible to divide the joint from the marrow of the bone. It is physically impossible! There is no knife that exists − there is no laser surgery − there is no way that you can separate the joint from the marrow. When God used that analogy, He wanted to show you how powerful and how accurate the Word of God is, even compared to the best surgeon’s scalpel.
Jesus – the Word of God − is the revelation of the love of God on the planet. That love and the very Word of His power will access every area of your being. The sword of the Spirit will penetrate, reveal, and heal the most intimate areas of your heart.
Dr. Robin Harfouche, is the founder of the Global Prayer Network, a movement of prayer among women. Dr. Robin is a best selling author of five books and is a sought after expert in the field of total healing, spirit, soul and body. She is also the host of the global TV show; Miracles Today.
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