Author: Jodi Faith
Hello friends! It has been an awesome "Book Signing Tour 2015" so far! After three in Mesa, AZ we're now in Canada. We arrived in Medicine Hat, AB in time for a visit with two of our grandkidlins before they and our beautiful daughter-in-law headed east for the Easter holiday. Her best friends mom was dying from breast cancer so it was a difficult time. She has gone on to glory but the young mom (and her extended family) is no doubt obviously shocked and hurting... please keep them in your prayers.
My first Canadian book signing was at Coles Book Sellers in Medicine Hat (on the day Jesus lay dead in the grave!) April 4, 2015 --> Decreeing and declaring, "Is there A God? Hell, Yeah!" It was pretty cool to be set-up in the mall in our old hometown and see the reactions of passersby! Haha! The book will be available there for at least 6 months or so! I just want to give a shout out to great ministry supporters thru the years --> My brother and sister, with their spouses, always allow me to create and print colored promo items, etc. at their business, Action Parts! This time I was able to have an entire 3-fold ministry brochure with schedule - completely put together and ready to distribute before I left for the book signing!! Hallelujah!!
After seeing another 7 grandkids, their parents and my family - all crazy cute, beautious and amazing creatures... we were very blest to be able to join the Hillcrest Church community on Ressurrection Sunday. Bob, Caleb and I had the honor of worshipping with a new friend and her husband, whom I'd met and invited at the mall:))
Bob and I arrived home in Lafleche, SK. at 4pm Easter Sunday afternoon and less than 20 hours later, I was on the road to my first television interview in Regina! Watching the book being added to the inventory at CHAPTERS - Regina, SK, and coffee with a prayer partner and friend... with ministry ops in the parking lot, I celebrated the day which ended with the great blessing of amazing hospitality offered to this traveller from some precious friends.
Tuesday morning, April 7th - I was blessed to share SOZO prayer ministry time and business discussions with my XP Web Church Pastor Jane. God blew open a few nigglin fears, and I was sent of as a much better equipped warrior on the front lines! The Lord of Hosts IS before me fighting - as are His angelic host and I'm actually wielding the greater sword I received just tonight in Morden, Manitoba! OH MY Goodness - God is so good! I could go on and on and on!!
I'd love to tell you more!! Just call 403-580-6066 in Canada - yup!! For the first time ever - my cell phone works in Manitoba!! The greatest miracle of all perhaps!! Haha!! There really is so much more I could say!!!! Could be another book but for now - I'll sign off! J<><
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