Author: Kim Hadaway
The Power of Meditation
(what you focus on, you empower)
by Kim Hadaway
Kim Hadaway is head intercessor for XP Ministries, a powerful prayer warrior, anointed teacher, leader and prophetess. The Lord is opening up revelation to our world just as was prophesied in Joel 2:28, and Acts 2. The spirit of prophesy is the testimony of Jesus, releasing and revealing the essence and substance of all Jesus is. As you read, meditate on the Lord God and His living Word, lay hold of it, and you will see it established and operating fully in your lives. |
Study includes:
A. Prophetic Encouragement
B. Devotional Teaching
C. Weekly Scripture Meditation
D. Resource Corner
A. Prophetic Encouragement
In the Word, Paul shares how he had an encounter with the Lord Jesus Himself, and through that encounter the spirit of revelation opened up to him the mysteries that were hidden from generations past. In this encounter Paul was transformed and where he once was blind, he now saw. Paul was used to impart this hidden wealth to those whom he was sent to minister life to.
In this moment in time, I feel the Lord opening up revelation to our world just as was prophesied in Joel 2:28, and Acts 2. The spirit of prophesy is the testimony of Jesus, releasing and revealing the essence and substance of all Jesus is. These mysteries that were once hidden are being revealed to all generations, and there are encounters taking place like never before, but this is just the beginning of all that God is unearthing for this moment in time.
The Word of God is one such area that is coming alive to generations – what was once read is going deeper and the riches inside the living Word are being revealed so that truly the whole earth may know Him!
B. Devotional Teaching
While in Bible study one morning, I was reading a familiar passage – in fact, one of my favorites. It is Ephesians 3, but I normally just focus on the end of the chapter. I decided to read the whole chapter, and ultimately the whole book of Ephesians, and really meditate on it.
Having done this over the years, I have not only found myself strengthened but I found the Word coming alive and active to me and in me.
In Hebrews 4:12 (NIV), the verse begins, “The word of God is alive, active and powerful.”
Recently, I was awakened by the Lord and encouraged to really meditate on the Word that day. I knew there was food inside of the Word of God that I was to partake of to strengthen and empower me, to take me higher and deeper than I had been before.
When I felt encouraged to meditate on the Word, what that meant to me was that I was going to not just read the Word but really focus on it (and the layers inside the Word), the inheritance and blessings and richness of the Word. Sometimes we read the Word and we grab the encouragement, truth and nuggets that we need out of it for that day. Then we go about our day with the strength and empowerment of this living Word. And that is awesome, because it is our daily bread. It is to nourish and strengthen us daily. But in reality, just as physical food is for us to eat and see strength and nourishment for that moment and that day, we are actually establishing overall nutrition and health for life through the Word.
So what happens when we take the time to meditate on the Word? We see the Word come alive and become active in our lives; we see simple truths become rich powerful truths that bring shifts, change, transformation and establishment. The Word of God is so rich, and it is filled with so much life and substance! When we meditate on it, we find the hidden treasures that God has stored up for us (Isaiah 45:3). But not only do we find them, we are to lay hold of them and allow them to become a part of our living reality! They become the established Word of God in our lives, and the hidden wealth becomes our treasure that impacts us and the generations to come (Deuteronomy 29:29). The greatest part of this meditation is also seeing God and His nature, character and goodness. As we meditate on Him and His Word again, we find ourselves strengthened and empowered.
I have a powerful memory of how God spoke to me while I was in the midst of a battle a few years ago. In the midst of this battle I found myself at a place of hopelessness. It was a battle I had fought before but didn’t feel victorious in. As I felt hopeless in the midst of the battle, I knew I needed to lean on and into hope Himself; as I cried out, He gave me hope and a focal point as well. I have never been the same since.
In my cry He again revealed Himself to me and led me to a portion of Scripture that I had read before. But as I meditated on it and the truths inside it, I found myself encountering the Word Himself in a deeper way, and I began to be strengthened and established as never before. I will forever be grateful because I will never forget the truths that He established in me through this time.
This portion of Scripture was in Exodus 24:9-11.
In this passage of Scripture we know Moses and the elders were invited to encounter the Lord. God Himself invited them up to Him. But in this passage, it states, “They saw God and lived.”
A little play on words, but as we continue to focus on Him we find true life being infused into our very core. We are transformed and established in who He is and in His truths – He is the Word and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and now we dwell with Him!
We also are invited to eat with Him and eat of Him continually! Through the finished work of the Cross we have been freely given access to our God and we are no longer separated from Him.
So again, what we focus on, we empower!
When we focus on Him and the living Word, we are transformed.
Eat your fruit daily, the fruit of your promised land – and you will find yourself established in this land. The Lord truly has given us everything that pertains to life and godliness, and we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places. How are we going to know what is available and already given to us if we don’t meditate on Him and His living Word?
We all have what we call “life verses” or chapters. These are also what I like to call our “inheritance” Scriptures. These have been shared with us by God to bring strength and empowerment, to show us the promises and inheritance we have as well as the power of the covenant He has made with us, to establish truth and give us faith to get through difficult times, and to cause us to live a victorious life. Jesus came to give us life and life in abundance.
An example of this is:
Recently I heard the testimony of a well-known minister of the Word. He said God shared with him that he was giving him an assignment – in that assignment he was to focus on Psalm 91 for six months. He was instructed by the Lord to not read any other chapter, verse, or Scripture, but solely focus during those six months on Psalm 91. As he did this, he saw what God was doing in him. He was establishing His Word and truth in him. He was showing him every promise and every blessing that had been given to him. Now he could see that perimeter of blessing established in his life and could share those insights and treasures with others.
I encourage you all, meditate on the Lord God and His living Word, lay hold of it, and you will see it established and operating fully in your lives.
Kim Hadaway
C. Weekly Scripture Meditation
Week ONE – Exodus 24:9-11
Week TWO – Ephesians 3, Revelation 1
Week THREE – Revelation 4
Week FOUR – Revelation 5
D. Resource Corner
Glory School - by Patricia King by Patricia King
"Are you ready? Are you hungry? How hungry? Do you desire to be introduced to truth that will enable you to soar in His awesome goodness? Are you desiring to know the Holy Spirit in a personal way? Are you desiring to be a passionate worshipper of Jesus Christ? You are? Good! The Kingdom of Heaven is so very rich and full of your Saviour's love. You, as God's child, are invited to explore it's height, length, depth and breadth through the ministry of His Holy Spirit. This course is designed to acquaint you with the truth of God's Word concerning who you are in Christ, and what wonderful benefits have been granted to you as a believer in Him. You are able to access the throne of grace by faith and enjoy the very Presence of God. You will learn how to worship and intercede from the throne room perspective. YOU are invited to lay hold of every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ. He loves and adores YOU!
Spirit Food - by Patricia King
We don’t need to wait until we pass on to heaven to enjoy all that the divine realm has to offer. When we are born again, everything pertaining to life and godliness is made available to us. The moment we invite Christ into our lives, the very essence of heaven fills us, and we become empowered to walk in the manifestation of the divine. But to walk in it in fullness, we must strengthen our Spirit so that we do not walk according to our carnal nature or soulish desires.
In this CD teaching, Patricia King shares vision, revelation and practical tips on how you can strengthen your Spirit. Come and partake of Spirit Food and be mightily strengthened to walk as the powerful man or woman of God you were created to be!
Messengers of Fire - by Steve Swanson/McFatter/Mitchell
The promises of God are yes and amen. They are sure things. But along the way, the enemy will try to weigh you down with resistance, delays and frustrations to get you to give up and turn away. Yet, if you simply hang on and endure, if you simply lock in to what God has for you and allow Him to strengthen you for the journey, you will see the fullness of God explode into your life and all of His promises blossom into a bouquet of blessings for you.
As you listen to these messages from Patricia King and James Goll you will receive great grace to run your race. God never fails. Plug into His faithfulness, and decide right now that you will never, never, never give up until you see the victory!
Face to Face with God - Book by Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson pastors a church where supernatural encounters with God happen regularly, miracles are common, and the congregation has an infectious passion for spiritual growth. How does he do it? It's simple; he makes experiencing a deep, intimate relationship with God a priority for himself and the rest of his congregation.
In Face to Face With God, Bill Johnson helps you pursue God for greater measures of His presence in your own life, sharing the principles he has learned as well as real-life stories from his church and ministry.
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