As I was driving home yesterday, I began to thank the Lord for His beautiful creation.  The leaves have fully changed into their vibrant colors.  Gazing at His miraculous wonders painted all around me, I simply heard the Lord say, “The seasons are CHANGING.”  I began to laugh because I personally hate our winter’s here in Northeast Ohio.  We get an enormous amount of snow just overnight.  For most people who live here, it is rare to find those who look forward to the changing of seasons, especially into winter. 

As I see the seasons changing, I am desperately trying to hold onto what is left of fall and still wanting the temperature to penetrate warmth to my bones.  In that moment my heart was quickened.  This reminds me of our spiritual walk.  Sometimes people try and hold onto the season that they are in because they are in a season in which they are comfortable, a season in which they are used to, a season in which they do not want to change, fearing what is ahead: the unknown. 

During the latter times of autumn, the leaves must fall off the trees in order for winter to come and for there to be LIFE in the early spring.  We are entering into a new season, but in order to move into that season we must first get rid of things from the past and let go.  This season that you have been in has finished what it was intended for it.  He wants to do a new thing in our lives and He wants to cloth us in a warm coat that is sufficient for the season we are entering in.

He has made EVERYTHING beautiful in its time.  There is a time for everything, for every single moment and glimpse under heaven.  Ecclesiastes 3:11 says “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”  The seasons are changing.  He has everything under control, trust in Him.

As you enter into this new season, I encourage you to break off the old and put on the new.  Enter this new season letting go of things that hinder you and let the Lord build you up to be able to receive even more for what He is going to pour out throughout the earth.  May He grow you to be capable of carrying a greater presence and a weightier glory so that His presence will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.  May this season be a marking of His promises, prosperity, and glory.  “For the promise is in the process, it’s not at the end”. 

Emma Kingzett is currently a student physical therapist assistant who desires to work with and minister overseas to children with disabilities who have been rescued out of sex slavery and modern day slavery.  She is involved in the worship ministry at Gateway Church in Ashtabula, Ohio where she has served for 7 years.