1-unity ... While unity means one ... tough to have unity with one ... need two.


THE NUMBER ONE "UNITY"This number also has to do with superiority, Priority, beginnings, and God himself.When God first made Adam, it wasn't very long before the need for Eve arrived. He put that first man to sleep and made a woman that Adam could only dream of. But He didn't create her from Adam's dream that day. He made her from a rib. God was preaching through that very act, as you may of have heard in a wedding sermon or two.Not from Adam's Head so that he would dominate over her.   Not from Adam's feet so that he might walk over her but from his side was she created.  From next to his heart so that they would love each other.   From under his arms so that they would passionately embrace each other and hold each other dear.   Yes God was preaching when he took that rib to make a woman but He also proclaimed a beautiful sermon in the number He placed on it.



God didn't make Eve from two or three ribs but a single rib with the number one stamped on it.

He did this to preach on Unity.

 One is His number for unity And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.   And Adam said, This is now bone (singular) of my bones, (plural) and flesh (singular)of my flesh (plural) : she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.   Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed. Gen 2:22-25 Four thousand years later when Jesus referred to this scripture, He added even more to the importance of Unity. And (Jesus) said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. Matt 19:5-6 God's number one priority is for you to get ONE with him and after salvation He does this through a process of teaching us how to put Him first. That's why #1 commandment is "Thou shalt have no other God's before me". (Exodus 20:3)It could have been the 2nd in order or even the 9th I suppose but God is after us for the purpose of unity.One as PriorityUltimately God is always first. That's why the very first scripture in the bible says"in the beginning God" Gen 1:1 He is the first and the only one that really matters. That means that he is the first in priority. He is first in authority and He is first in absolute preeminence. All order and unity starts with God being first and there can be no other basis where that Order is established.I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Rev 22:13


An awesome study to me is to compare the first and the last of all biblical things. When you compare the first verse of Genesis with the last verse Genesis you find that Creation starts off with God and His marvelous Majesty. Then something goes so terribly wrong that that we end up at a funeral service.The first four words of Genesis are;"In the Beginning God…"The last four words of Genesis are"…a coffin in Egypt."What an incredible contrast. You talk about things going down hill! Who could have entered into that picture that messed things up to such a degree?Mankind, You and I did.Now when you compare the last words of the Old Testament with the Last words of the New Testament you see the exact opposite of the same extreme.The last verse of the Old Testament says And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. Mal 4:6The last verse of the New Testament says. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. Rev 22:21


What another contrast. Things have gone uphill in a awesome way. We have moved from the threat of a curse to the promise of a Blessing. Now who could have had entered into that Picture to heal things to such a degree?Jesus did. He walks onto the pages of the bible in the very next book after Malachi. That's what always happened when Jesus shows up. He changes a curse into a blessing!GOD FIRST FOR THE SAKE OF UNITYWhat God preaches through the number one is that if you want God in your life you are going to have put him first. Making Him the number one of your life brings unity and intimacy.Jesus was in perfect unity with the Father & the first recorded words of Jesus show that.It's found in Luke 2:49 where a 12 year old Jesus said, "Didn't you know that I would be about my Father's business?"Consequently, the last words He spoke on the cross 21 years later were "It is finished."The question might be what was finished? The Answer would be His father's business. Because He was in unity with the father, He always made the father's business number one.Jesus said "I and my Father are one."John 10:30Where there is unity there is peace Let the peace of God rule your heart to the which also you are called in one body and be ye thankful. Colossians 3:15 So because of the number one we can go back throughout the scripture and see where God is otherwise preaching on unity.When Adam and Eve were putting each other first they were in unity & so it is today in every marriage. When they stopped making God first is when they lost that unity with each other and with the creator that loved them so much.

God is restoring marriages in this hour and bringing men in women together in unity so through the power of their agreement heaven will invade earth.  This will usher in the endtime anointing of Awakening Transformation Reformation Restoration and Revival on earth as it is in HEAVEN,  He is returning us all back to the garden.  ON EARTH AS IT IS IN IS HEAVEN NOW ACCELERATION!