Author: Joyce Turner
By Joyce Turner
A few years ago, I was praying and seeking God’s directions for both my life and the life of the ministry. My desire was to know I was on the right track moving forward in God’s direction. I didn’t want to wake up one morning and be way out in ‘left field’ with my calling. I knew, without a doubt, I could not be in ministry without the anointing of the Holy Spirit. To do so would be a great mistake! I needed reassurance from God that I was faced in the direction He was pointing!
During that time His first instruction was for a time of prayer and fasting. It has proven to be a wise decision for my life and the ministry. At times God will call us into a time of prayer and fasting, without any distractions, so we will seek Him before we make the next move. I didn’t want to just be in ministry for the sake of being in ministry. It would require God’s hands upon my life, in a powerful way, so I could help others. Just getting by was not an option. I knew God was calling me to a ministry of making a difference in the lives of those who were hurting and had lost hope. To do this, I knew I needed the anointing of the Holy Spirit to fill my heart and soul as He did in the book of ACTS! To receive this gift of anointing, I also knew changes would have to come in all areas of my life! The anointing comes with a price; a price of spending more time with Him, his Word and praying and fasting. I can tell you one thing, “It is worth everything you have to give up to have a close encounter with the Great I Am!
The night I had a visitation in the form of a dream is as fresh in my mind as if it just happened! Shortly after going to bed, it seemed I fell into a deep sleep. As I slept I began to dream. The heavens opened and two magnificence bright sights with, what appeared to be, overlapped wings descended. It was so bright I could not discern what it was actually. I remember pleading with God to please let me see more clearly what was taking place and what was so bright! It was as if Heavens opened up and I could see clearly two beautiful white doves descending from heaven upon me. The sight was illuminating! On each breast of the doves was the Star of David. “What was I experiencing?” was my call to God. But not a word came from His lips! Heaven seemed to be silent. So silent you could have heard a pin drop. As quickly as it came it also disappeared! My sleep was interrupted by my own lips pleading with God for interpretation; but not a word was uttered.
The next morning I would rise early. Still lingering in my heart and mind was the dream. What was the meaning of this dream? As I sat on my patio praying, God began to minister to me through a poem that would describe what I had experiences the night before! I was amazed what was being interpreted right before my eyes! It was as if someone else was writing the poem, and using my hand!!!
The following is the poem of my dream that God interpreted after that glorious sight!
Words of Interpretation
My Delight
As I lay upon my bed,
A dream He gave me in my head
Descending from the heavens above
Was His glory in a double dove
With wings a lapped and spread so wide,
The Star of David bright as a light,
Was in the breast of the dove so white.
As I pondered on this glorious sight,
I cried, “Lord please give me insight.”
As I waited in the night for the Son so bright,
His voice came to me as a tender delight.
I have sent to you, my beloved,
A double anointing in doves so white.
You will shine with favor as a star so bright,
As you go around the world for My delight
God will never take us anywhere unless He equips us for that journey. I needed confirmation He had called me, with an anointing, to evangelize around the world. That confirmation came in a dream – after praying and fasting. Today, if you feel in your heart and soul that God is calling you to a specific place of ministry, first take the time to seek Him in prayer and fasting. When the dreams and visions come, don’t disregard them! Seek God for the in interpretation. To do so may bring you hard work and burned out life of ministry.
Copyright Protected 2009
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