First part in a teaching series where Joshua Hubbell explains what role our souls play in...
Todd White shares a testimony of healing from cancer that will build your faith to release...
God can go anywhere in time that He wants to. Listen now and learn about time travel from a...
Transsexualism, Transvestism, Drag Queens, Hermaphrodism, Kleinfelter’s Syndrome, Turner’s...
Rejection and a lack of love lead to almost every problem we face. How finding the love of God...
This video will show you how to add videos, audios, and articles to your favorites list. This...
What has God promised you and you are still waiting for? God is want us to claim what He has...
<div> During our Love Revolution conference we caught up with Shawn Bolz. Here is the...
Find fullness, sufficiency and completeness in Christ as you spend time in the secret place and...
How do we step into the promise, see Jesus with our own eyes and become sons of the living God?
Graham Cooke on the The Way of the Warrior Series. Qualities of a Spiritual Warrior, Manifesting...
David describes the events in his life that took him far from God, including moral depravity...
The Lord has called us to stand in the stead of Christ in the earth. Watch now and learn how to...
How stress affects us and what natural medicine can do about it. Adrenal deficiency.
How do we overcome the fear that is in our lives, we can choose to embrace the fulness of the...
Patricia King's powerful message on knowing who you are and standing firm in times of trial
Do you want boldness to go out on the streets and direct the lost to Jesus, Then come to Revival...
Listen now and learn what God has in store for the children of God in the earth in the last days.
God is reaising up a generation of leaders. Will you receive the call and follow after...
A man and a woman describe their survival of childhood sexual abuse and how God has brought...
You can't change your past, but you can determine your destiny! Christ can change your...
Through your giving, you can invest in a generation of Revival Children. Be part of breaking the...
Graham discusses: Why is the Church failing? What is the role of apostles? Why is there so...
God created and formed you. He brought you back, precious in His sight and He honors and loves you.
Elijah House leader's story of being sexually abused as a child and subsequent struggle...
In this episode of Encounter TV, David Diga Hernandez ministers healing in Lawndale, CA, a...
Daniel talks about the amazing healing moments that God gave him after his departure from his...
You can walk in divine health and healing.Understand causes of sickness and disease. Recognize...
Director of "Free for Life" - Colette Bercu - describes how she got involved in...
Andy continues to tell the story of the growth and ministry of Desert Stream.
Doug discusses culturally relevant evangelism, ministry to New Agers and psychics, prophecy and...
It’s important for you to have a clear, well defined goal and vision. The stronger and more...
A specialized instruction course for believers to lay hands on the sick and see them recover. Part 1
We each have an internal antena. who is yours tuned into?We each have an internal antena. who is...
David describes his descent into homosexuality and prostitution and how God rescued him.
One of the greatest and most over-looked and highest weapons of spiritual warfare is the...
God is preparing us for the greatest move that is the earth has ever witnessed.
Renewal & Soaking Week with Brian Long Come drink of the new wine and experience a fresh...
Aaron Winter continues his interview with Evangelist Hamilton Filmalter as they talk about being...
Angela is in a Zoom session with Derrick Gates on 622202 discussing his film From Death and...
There are stop stations designated from heaven to earth. Angelic beings sent on divine assignment.
More on soul ties, family curses, forgiveness, the authority of the believer, and demonic...
Genesis to Revelation reveals God’s heart to bless His people. Learn to boldly ask God for His...
Katie finishes up her teaching series on demonic kings that can hinder healing. She explains how...
Our guests are Ray and Rosalind MacDonald of LEKET Israel, part 1. Ray and Rosalind are part of...
How sexual abuse & having a father who did not know how to communicate love & affection...
Part 4 of the series of "Faith to Move Mountains. The Prayer of Faith comes from the heart...
David Diga Hernandez articulately lays out the case for "Slain in the Spirit" being a...
In order to live a supernatural life, we need to be able to hear the voice of the Lord and walk...
Our guests again are Al and Terry Purvis, and we'll be discussing missions and the role of...
David describes the various means by which we can resist temptation by God's power and...
Our guest today is Charlotte Quist, part 2. For more on Dick and Joan Deweert, check out...
When we're in His arms, we see things from our Father's perspective and we will walk...
Watch Katie as she shares her story of her wild youth as a meth cook in Hollywood and God's...
Jeff cuenta su historia de su crecimiento como gay en la iglesia y la batalla que tuvo entre su...
When it comes to the heart, it can become very complex, very fast. The purer a heart is, the...
Patricia King on living a prosperous life as a Kingdom child of God.
We're coming into a very significant season in this era that the church is entering into....
The Lord has given you power to lay hands on the sick and pray for them and they will recover....
A lady is healed of a severe wrist injury at a miracle service hosted by the healing ministry of...
Patricia King teaches on the position every Christian should walk in - outrageously blessed.
Pastor Mike gives an inspirational teaching on how to reach for your calling and gifts from God.
There are mysteries that have been sealed up since the days of Daniel that will be opened in...
Prophecy is a foundation that many believers do not think they can stand on. With this...
Listen and learn how to live in the space between impossibility and a sure thing. Part 1 of 4
David shares his life of sexual brokenness, salvation and transformation through Jesus Christ.
Receive this great, prophetic word from Joan Hunter. Recently recorded at Brownsville Assembly...
<div> <div>During our Kingdom Alignment conference we caught up with Che Ahn. Here...
-What are the four spiritual realms. -How do you discern the four spirit realms. -The function...
How do we father/mother the rising generation, so that they walk in the fulness of what God has...
Kelry discusses the amazing things God is doing in Brazil, the 24/7 Prayer movement and Houses...
Owen Braaksma, from Waiuku, New Zealand, shares of the miracles he saw as a 15yr old student...
Todd explains how it works when you see and do what you see the Father do.
David joins D James Kennedy and others to discuss the homosexual agenda and the hope for freedom...
Historias de ministrar a prostitutos, transexuales, proxenetas y prostitutas en Hollywood. Un...
Cómo las heridas de un padre pueden llevar a un estilo de vida inmoral. Dios anhela llevar...
In part 1 of the interview David Hogan tells Aaron Winter about the most bizarre and life...
How a broken relationship with his father led to male prostitution & sexual addiction and...
Part 2 of the series “Faith to Move Mountains” Aaron reveals everyone has been given a measure...
The scripture says the steps of the righteous have been designed and ordered by God. We must get...
Do you or someone you know struggle with debt? Ever wondered what God says about debt?
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, David...
神は起こる事全てを支配しているのか?-Dan Mohler & Todd White "Is God in control of everything that happens?
"If you want to know the future look at history. We are not going to live in the past but...
ハロウィーンは悪魔的祝い事だと言うと何人の人が怒るでしょうか? 元悪魔崇拝者で悪魔に25年間仕えて来たジョン・ラミレス兄が言うことには耳を傾けてくれるでしょうか? How many...
An electric atmosphere, spiritually hungry teens and a mighty glory resting on the people.
James Goll shares a great encounter he had about the Holy Spirit coming in glory and power.
Myesha shares how it is important to be planted in a church in order to help receive your healing.
Billy Graham's daughter talks about the adultery & abuse that was a part of her first...
De Génesis hasta Apocalipsis, vemos que el corazón de Dios es que vivas en Su bendición.
God is calling us to get to the core of situations and circumstances that are confronting our...
Theresa explains what it means to have the separation of church and state and what it means for...
A well-designed program for rehabilitating young women who have been entrapped by the sex trade.
Learn to apply the 'test of three' before you speak to determine if what you are about...
A look deep inside the mind and heart of the person trapped in bondage to porn and masturbation,...
Dr. Aaron Winter talks about the bold and tenacious faith of a Canaanite Woman.
Healing testimony from our Healing School in Hawthorne, CA. Be encouraged -- Jesus can heal all...
Paul Cox's teaching on the depth mentioned in Psalm 139 and Romans 8, and on freedom and...
This is the first of a three part testimony. Myesha received her healing by seeing the wounds...
ホーマン・あいこ博士:人工知能と脳の研究を40年以上続けている日本人の科学者 Dr. Aiko Hormann, who was born in Japan, was a Research...
When a young suicidal man in New Zealand experiences the power of God touching him his life is...
Patricia King teaches how to receive and activate prophetic words over your life.
Stephanie came to church in pain and walking with a cane few weeks ago. Now, she is healed, has...
Joan Hunter teaches how you can be healed, set free, and made totally whole body, soul, and...
If we do what God said, and what He did, we'll have what He promised.
Un testimonio personal de un antiguo adicto sexual y la jornada a la sanidad a través del...
The apostle Paul visited Heaven and received a revelation of the mystery, the eternal plan and...
In this series Dr. Mark shows you how to pursue, overtake and recover. Listen and find keys that...
A married man who contracted AIDS early in the pandemic and who has survived with the help of...
Patricia King on making it through a life transition or change successfully
You can put your trust in God regardless of your situation. Part of your salvation must include...
Loss is loss, but greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world! If you want the...
Global Awakening recently invaded the entire city of Dayton, OH with hundreds of volunteers. ...
This program explores the world of the male prostitute, featuring the work of Emmaus Ministries...
There is power in both forgiveness and unforgiveness. It can disable your life, or enable you...
Foundational Training on Healing The Sick A specialized instruction course for believers to...
There are only two sources of supernatural power, evil and divine. Listen as Bobby Conner...
We ministered on the streets of Leeds, England. We prayed for these two girls who were...
Science has proven that we have 3 brains. The head, heart and the gut brain. When we deal with...
Aaron Walsh, director of Tauranga House of Prayer, shares his vision for what God is doing in...
Identify how you moved from life to debt, and discover that through prophetic intervention there...
The journey Russ took through loneliness and rejection in childhood and seeking pornography and...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares prophetic insight for 2015. God lives in an ever present now. He...
Patricia King and Robert Hotchkin share how God's goodness is available in every circumstance.
Establish your time with the Lord in your current trials so He can give you heavenly perspective...
Every man, woman, and child on planet earth has a deposit of one percent of their DNA that is...
When your life on earth is complete, all that’s left is whatever you have built in the secret...
2014-02-02 pm Swiggs are short refreshing out-takes from Times of Refreshing a TV/Web ministry...
We are all called to carry the anointing of God within our sphere of influence. What is your sphere?
God wants you to hear and know His voice so other people will know that He is real!
Patricia King, Joan Hunter, Katie Souza and Charity Bradshaw share about women's issues, ...
Stop using Satan's bat to beat yourself up - there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus
Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares tips on the importance on life coaching. What it is and why everyone...
Message from the Jesus Culture event in Dudley. It doesn't take many to create change, you...
Patricia Kings shares a powerful prophetic message for you to set things in blessed divine order...
After being sexually abused by a male & female, sexual addiction, porn use, masturbation and...
Tracey describes her life as part of a very dysfunctional family system, her sexual abuse and...
Todd White reveals how God is raising up a new breed of Christian, who will not compromise His...
The pastor of Christ Church -Nashville shares important information on the biblical witness to...
The author of Everyman's Battle discusses sex addiction and offers practical solutions for...
Shaunti Feldhahn describes the results of research on male-female relationships that could...
Part 1 of how human sexuality was designed to prefigure the marriage of God and redeemed man.
The Healing School series is full of cutting edge, fresh revelation! Learn how demonic kings...
This video will acquaint you with the section where specific ministry pages are located.
The complete story of the ministry behind "Pure Passion", including the personal story...
Patricia King's powerful message on how to receive the fullness of His generosity
How big of a bridge would you need to close in the gap between where you are and where you are...
Enseñanza breve de los Dr Bill Maier, Dr Michael Brown y Melissa Fryrear sobre homosexualidad.
Transexualismo, Travestismo, Drag Queens, Hermafrodismo, Síndrome de Kleinfelter, Trastorno de...
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, David...
The team at Wellspring Living in Atlanta talks about their program to restore girls and women...
ホーマン・あいこ博士:人工知能と脳の研究を40年以上続けている日本人の科学者 Dr. Aiko Hormann, who was born in Japan, was a Research...
This incredible 7 hour teaching by Charles and Frances Hunter will show you how lay hands on the...
James W. Goll shares insights on living the divine intelligence and living a supernatural lifestyle.
This was a message on Signs and Wonders in both the bible and church history to stir you for...
Don't bury yourself in the sand in November. That is not the solution. It's a...
This message is one to provoke your heart towards walking in all you are in Christ!
Dean traces his need for male touch and affirmation to his homosexual confusion and to its healing.
Dr. Mark Chironna shares a word for the New Year. Hidden Kingdom blessings are coming to the...
Dick is teaching about the signs that Jesus said would happen in our generation. For more on...
Tracey completes the story of her life and the beautiful ways that God has brought redemption.
For more on Dick and Joan Deweert, check out