
Lifeline Today with Dick and Joan, episode 15

Our guests today are Antonio and Christabelle Baldovinos of the Global Prayer House in Medicine...

Guard Your Thoughts

Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares about the importance of how you engage your thought patterns.

"Religious Spirits" - Encounter TV: Episode 15

Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, David...

Transformational Life Coaching

Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares on transformation and the importance of life coaching.

He Walks With Me

James Goll talks about his walk with God and what an impact it's made on his life.

"Miracles in Orange, CA" - Encounter TV: Episode 6

Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, David...

Being In Christ

Jesus Christ has paid the price for every sin man would ever commit. His love has completely...

"Hope to the Philippines" - Encounter TV- Episode 18

On this edition of Encounter TV, David ministers from the Philippine Islands, answers a question...

"The Lamb of God," - Encounter TV: Episode 11

Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, David...

Triggering Mechanisms

Has anyone ever pushed your buttons? Dr. Aiko addresses triggering mechanisms in our brain when...

Physical Fruit From A Spiritual Root

Don't just remove the symptom, uproot the cause.

Healing Your Soul 2 with Katie Souza

This episode is Part 2 of a 5 part series on how the wounds in our soul may be causing all kinds...