
Why you need to know your "why"

Patricia King on why most people fail to hit their mark in life.

Being In Christ

Jesus Christ has paid the price for every sin man would ever commit. His love has completely...

A Pastoral View of Homosexuality

Rev Bob Stith used to laugh at jokes about homosexuals - until one day when God opened his eyes...

Why Fathers Are Important

Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares why fathers are important in a child's life and how Father God...

Mega Power Mega Grace

This was a message on Signs and Wonders in both the bible and church history to stir you for...

Lifeline Today with Dick and Joan, episode 10

Our guests today are Bruce and Lara Merz, part 2. Inspirational programming consisting of...

Tráfico sexual in América - StaciaFreeman

Hablamos sobre el tráfico sexual dentro y fuera los EEUU, y como una fundación rescata y...

The Power of Excellence of Soul 3.25

Patricia King - The Spirit of God is a Spirit of excellence and He has filled us with excellent...

Catch the Fire

Joan Hunter teaches on letting go of the pass hurts & failures to step into what God has...

Lifeline Today with Dick and Joan, episode 26

Our guest is Pastor Francis Armstrong, and he's preaching at our Dominion Conference on...

Keeping No Record of Wrongs

Love keeps no record of wrongs. As we become more like Jesus, we have to let go of past hurts...

「ハロウィーン警告!」Halloween Warning! 元悪魔崇拝者(former satanist)

ハロウィーンは悪魔的祝い事だと言うと何人の人が怒るでしょうか? 元悪魔崇拝者で悪魔に25年間仕えて来たジョン・ラミレス兄が言うことには耳を傾けてくれるでしょうか? How many...