Lost souls call out. "Give me souls or I will die!" Do you carry a burden for the Lost?
Our guest today is Pastor Len Zoeteman of Calgary Full Gospel Church. For more on Dick and...
Abusado por pederastas, entró en una vida gay y la adicción a la pornografía. Fue rescatado por...
Watch as Danny Silk delves into the topic of the difference between consequences and punishment.
Homosexual while living as a committed believer, and how God set him free from brokenness and...
Are you advancing the Kingdom with your business? Watch now as Patricia shares the most...
This is a word for Steve who is in the cable business. God has put this business in your hands....
Trauma is a powerful stronghold that keep you from the ability of receiving healing in your...
Our guests are Darrin and Daphne Clark of Catch The Fire, Calgary.
Do you believe we can turn the world upside down and start a spiritual revolution with LOVE. ...
The Salvation Army has been at the forefront of ministry to sex trafficking victims worldwide...
Information will change us, it's going to take revelation. The understanding of what God...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares why fathers are important in a child's life and how Father God...
Owen Braaksma, from Waiuku, New Zealand, shares of the miracles he saw as a 15yr old student...
Sy Rogers asks “The Lads” about sexual struggles that teens have & how they've dealt...
Everyone has trigger mechanisms. They are what are sometimes called to button pushing! Dr. Aiko...
La increíble historia de la gracia y el poder de Dios para liberar de una atadura muy profunda y...
There is a level in the spiritual and physical where you can dwell above the snakes of the enemy.
Shelly had tendinitis in her wrists and in pain for twenty years. Jesus healed her and she has...
<div> <div>During our Kingdom Alignment conference we caught up with Che Ahn. Here...
Clayton continua describiendo el rescate de chicos perdidos en Hollywood. Incluye testimonios de...
Who are the false prophets of our day? Can believers get along even if they don't agree on...
Pt 1–libertad de las ataduras del alma, maldiciones familiares, falta de perdón, y fortalezas...
Joan shares how you can rip off every label that the Lord didn't intend for you to have.
【映画俳優・億万長者の救い・富の移行・知識の言葉のパワー!】ショーン・ボルツ預言の力 Testimonies of movie stars and billionaires'...
Life Coaching is about drawing out of you what God has already place in you! It is a process of...
Are are to be Christ in the earth. We need to stop wounding the wounded. Watch now and be...
Abuso sexual de niña y una familia donde las mujeres eran percibidas como débiles y víctimas la...
Do you have a heart for seeing salvation in peoples lives? If so then this Equipping Weekend is...
Pastor Missy Beik joins Freeda Bowers, co-founder of WACX SuperChannel in Orlando for Divine...
Dick is teaching about the signs that Jesus said would happen in our generation. For more on...
Knees with no cartilage healed! Amazing video of God's healing power! Glory to God!
Identify how you moved from life to debt, and discover that through prophetic intervention there...
Author of The Shack tells his story of sexual abuse on the mission field, father-wounding &...
Katie shares part 2 of her 5 part series on demonic kings that can hinder healing. She explains...
An impassioned description of how the love and grace of God teach us to say "No" to...
Broke and hopeless, Harmony becomes a top stripper before finding the man who truly loves her -...
Author of On the Threshold of Hope unveils the healing process for someone who has been sexually...
We pursue God’s gifts because we love Him. Desire the spiritual gifts because He’s going to...
We believe that by watching and implementing this message into your life, God will bring you...
Part 1 of this 4 part series on how the light of Jesus can heal your soul and body.
God is preparing us for the greatest move that is the earth has ever witnessed.
Gana Gombojav is from Mongolia and has started one of the largest churches in Mongolia and has...
Lee reveals the story of early exposure to porn, sexual abuse as a teenager and the marriage...
We have never been where we are going now. God is looking for a people to shine through!
Our guests are Bruce and Lara Merz. Bruce's testimony is of God's miraculous healing...
<div> How do we live out the revelation that we are the head and not the tail?</div>
パトリシア・キングと元イスラム教徒で現在牧師のファイサル・マリックが宗教の霊とは何か、またどのようにしてこの霊に打ち勝つことができるか教えます。 Patricia King and...
Sex addicts pursue a false intimacy out of selfishness and a fear of true intimacy. See what God...
El pastor de Christ Church -Nashville comparte información importante sobre el testimonio...
Desvelando los esquemas del enemigo que mantienen a los creyentes atados al pecado, y cómo...
Uno de los primeros pastores en abrirle las puertas de su iglesia a personas con SIDA, quien...
James Goll talks about his passion for God and shares miracles he's personally experienced.
We've never been in a season like this before. God is blowing a whistle and putting tools...
Listen to this exciting word from Frances Hunter about the goodness of God. This is part 1 of a...
Director of "Free for Life" - Colette Bercu - describes how she got involved in...
Jesus appeared to His disciples and said, "As the Father sent me, now I send you" and...
This woman came to our Reno, NV meetings with a broken back in pain. She was dramatically healed...
Hope is possible, it's very much alive. Watch as lives have changed that became desperate...
How stress affects us and what natural medicine can do about it. Adrenal deficiency.
Discussions about sexual issues, such as masturbation, lust, pornography and immorality by a...
Después de vivir años como actor y modelo en Hollywood, sobrevivir una experiencia cercana a la...
The death of her husband from AIDS, the death of her son in a car wreck & her famous...
Healing The Whole Man 6th Hour Joan Hunter teaches how you can be healed, set free, and made...
Patricia King's prophetic insight of the coming season and the power of God's love and...
Penny tells the story of her marriage to a closeted homosexual who contracted AIDS and died,...
The touching story of a sexually abused young girl who became a prostitute before finding her...
Patricia King, Joan Hunter, Katie Souza and Charity Bradshaw share about women's issues, ...
If we do what God said, and what He did, we'll have what He promised.
Colette tells how she got involved in helping sex trafficking victims and what she believes...
Kat answers questions that have been asked of her regarding our guardian angels.
The word says that we are to posses the land. God wants us to be blessed in every area of our...
Patricia King's prophetic insight of the coming season and the power of God's love and...
A powerful story of a church elder's secret descent into sex addiction & adultery, and...
Find fullness, sufficiency and completeness in Christ as you spend time in the secret place and...
Pastor Mike teaches about the meaning of the covenant we have with God.
Iverna Tompkin's message infuses life and hope into your soul to reach your destiny and...
Using his own testimony, Steve talks about pornography, homosexuality and child sexual abuse and...
2014-02-02 pm Swiggs are short refreshing out-takes from Times of Refreshing a TV/Web ministry...
God can go anywhere in time that He wants to. Listen now and learn about time travel from a...
The testimony of one man who found himself incapable of freedom from sex addiction, until he...
Patricia shares mentoring moments with tips on the importance of a good healthy plan of action...
How the revelation of the true identity and authority of the believer, by faith, can set and...
In this episode Diga preaches a message about the prodigal son, a man's shoulder is healed...
Patricia King's prophetic insight of the coming season and the power of God's love and...
Stress, pressure, worry - these things affect our lives on a daily basis. Our reactions to...
The founder of Courage To Be You describes her dramatic call by God to begin a licensed,...
The Dance Between Chance and Choice: Transforming Possibility into Opportunity You can live...
The Dance Between Chance and Choice: Transforming Possibility into Opportunity You can live...
Watch as Danny Silk shares about how we are to empower others to walk in the freedom that we have.
Joan Hunter teaches how you can be healed, set free, and made totally whole body, soul, and...
Listen and learn how to live in the space between impossibility and a sure thing. Part 3 of 4
1 Cor 2:16 says we have been given the mind of Christ. That means that God is now as close to...
Helping victims of childhood sexual abuse, soul-ties, a victim’s question about the goodness of...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares thoughts on understanding responsibility and whose job it is!
Many people are misaligned and there are many symptoms. It's important that your body find...
The rescue of girls and boys around the world who have been entrapped by the sex slave industry...
Short video on the history, present day and future of Randy Clark and the Apostolic Network of...
You will find that God can use you to bring healing and help to family, friends and literally...
David describes the nature of bondage to pornography and masturbation and how God sets the...
Enjoy this collection of people getting impacted by the love of Jesus on the streets of Phoenix.
The very thing you thought disqualified you is exactly what God may use. Watch this powerful...
This young girl is healed and seeing now without pupils. Astonishing miracle.
Expect prophetic solutions. Ask God for them because once you have that vision from God, it can...
On this episode of Encounter TV David prays for miracles and a recent Encounter Service, a man...
Listen as Trevor and Jason talk about some of the healings that took place: deaf ears opened,...
During a crusades in the north east of India an amasing storm hit the field where we were. Here...
Patricia King introduces her new course on how to get out of your rut.
Patricia King's dad shares nuggets that has caused him success and happiness in life.
Joan shares with you how you don't have to live with depression but rather how you can be...
Steve Porter preaches on TBN South Africa in East London. He shares about the "Secret...
Are the odds stacked against you? Watch ' Arise with Susan' and crush those odds!...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt shares prophetic insight for 2015. God lives in an ever present now. He...
Our guest today is Evangelist Bill Prankard. Check out more about Dick and Joan Deweert on...
Are you a market place Apostle? How can we truly have lasting influence upon a mountain of culture?
How do we overcome the fear that is in our lives, we can choose to embrace the fulness of the...
Receive this great, prophetic word from Joan Hunter. Recently recorded at Brownsville Assembly...
Kat addresses the subject of homosexuality. Watch now and learn about being made in the image of...
In this episode of Encounter TV David's brother , Michael Hernandez, preaches a message on...
John Perks delivers a powerful message on the power of sowing and reaping
David Diga Hernandez articulately lays out the case for "Slain in the Spirit" being a...
In this interview, Dr. Paul Cox, Mike Velotta and Jeff Stow discuss Aslan's Plaace...
Fear can kill you. It can also delay what God wants to do through your life. Learn how to get...
Owen Braaksma, from Waiuku in New Zealand, as a 14yr old on a missions trip to Fiji sees...
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, David...
Are you under someones negative perception of you? Shake off this pessimism. Jesus came to...
Teaching on soul ties, the passing down of the sins of the fathers, and freedom from demonic...
Benji Alexander shares his amazing experiences of miracles on the streets of New Zealand in this...
There is a coming flood of glory. Tap into it and be on the cutting edge of what God is doing in...
Watch as Cindy shares how a team of ordinary people who love God, reach into the heart the...
Our guest is Pastor Len Zoeteman, speaking about how we can live in the supernatural. For...
Our guests are Shaila Visser and John Kivell from Alpha Canada.
There are four main characteristics of human behavior, which one is dominant in your life?
Mark Chironna gives a prophetic word for Indonesia, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. August 2012
Katie shares her testimony and shares how to learn what your Expected End is and be released out...
How a broken relationship with his father led to male prostitution & sexual addiction and...
Patricia King teaches on the position every Christian should walk in - outrageously blessed.
Child sex abuse and a family environment where women were perceived as weak and victims lead to...
Stacey Campbell shares the definition of a miracle and tells stories of miracles she's...
During the Easter Season, we celebrate the wondrous sacrifice Jesus made for us on the Cross and...
An compelling teaching on how to turn strongholds that were meant to defeat you into strengths...
The Lord has called us to stand in the stead of Christ in the earth. Watch now and learn how to...
Una discusión de como uno falla al vincularse con gente clave se relaciona directamente con...
What is an angelic visitation? Are you being visited by angels and not realising it?
Dr. Aiko Hormann shares on guilt and punishment and how they are related to certain physical...
How do we live out of the faith that we have? Where does that faith come from?
In the many distractions that come...You can hear the sweet sound of our heavenly bridegroom...
Breaking free from the frustration of powerless Christianity and experiencing the power of God...
More on soul ties, family curses, forgiveness, the authority of the believer, and demonic...
Amazing story of God's grace and power to set free one so deeply bound and broken.
This miracle will increase your faith for whatever miracle you are believing for. God is good!
Pt 2 – Más sobre ataduras del alma, maldiciones familiares, perdón, la autoridad del creyente, y...
David Hogan gives Aaron Winter an emotional and powerful testimony about being raised from the...
Are are to be Christ in the earth. We need to stop wounding the wounded. Watch now and be...
Katie teaches on what drives you to overeat and the biblical secrets that will set you free
Aaron talks about Middle Easterners having God encounters; Hamilton talks about a family that...
Have mountains that need to be moved in your life? The Bible says to speak to your mountains in...
この若い女性は骨と筋肉の稀な病気によって支え無しに歩くことができませんでした。イエスの御名によって奇跡が起こります! This young lady could not walk...
Our guest is Pastor Len Zoeteman of Calgary Full Gospel Church. The topic is...