<div> What are the seven mountains? How does this message relate to our everyday...
Do you know what your destiny is? How do you accomplish the the goals that you set yourself?
The enemy's power will be broken over your life, as you watch this video on the Kingdom of...
Katie shares part 4 of her 5 part series on demonic kings that can hinder healing. She explains...
Activate the prophetic seer anointing in your life so that you can hear what God is saying and...
In this episode of Encounter TV, David Diga Hernandez ministers healing in Lawndale, CA, a...
Bart talks about the importance power of relationship in our world of cyber communication.
Graham speaks of the prophetic season of grace we are in prior to the Books being opened....
How do we overcome the fear that is in our lives, we can choose to embrace the fulness of the...
Revival is easy for God with people who are prepared. Is your heart & life really ready to...
A special word to those that feel like fear and worry have stolen their peace and joy. You can...
Watch as Cindy shares how a team of ordinary people who love God, reach into the heart the...
El mundo único de la adicción sexual femenina y las maneras en que una chica puede desarrollar...
Our soul is the area that makes all of our decisions. The scripture says God saves the spirit,...
Tom can't remember a time when someone wasn't sexually abusing him, whether it was his...
As a channel host, you have (3) free 180x150 ads for your use. This will show you how to use them.
God is reaising up a generation of leaders. Will you receive the call and follow after...
Stephanie came to church in pain and walking with a cane few weeks ago. Now, she is healed, has...
On this edition of Encounter TV, David Diga Hernandez interviews prophet Rob Sanchez. On Moment...
We are created to live in two realms and to see and hear God’s revelation for today.
Kat answers questions that have been asked of her regarding our guardian angels.
The complete story of the ministry behind "Pure Passion", including the personal story...
How sex trafficking in the US differs from overseas & what The Home Foundation is doing to...
We believe that by watching and implementing this message into your life, God will bring you...
Pt 1 - How a broken relationship with his father and resulting emotional wounds that led him...
Nightlight-Atlanta reaches out to prostitutes and sex trafficking victims in the Atlanta area....
Thought-provoking quotes and phrases to expand your Kingdom experience through the power of...
You will find that God can use you to bring healing and help to family, friends and literally...
The Kylstras use their own story to show how family curses & hurtful experiences can lead...
During our Love Revolution conference we caught up with Skyler & Kim Walker-Smith. Here is...
In a Worship Night God inspired us prophetically to believe again for the complete fulfillment...
Dr. Aiko Hormann shares on guilt and punishment and how they are related to certain physical...
David joins D James Kennedy and others to discuss the homosexual agenda and the hope for freedom...
Una historia sobre vivir una vida doble mientras crece como lesbiana en la iglesia negra,...
This episode is Part 4 of a 5 part series on how the wounds in our soul may be causing all kinds...
The second heaven is a spiritual realm and kingdom that satan has set up for himself. He rules...
-What are the four spiritual realms. -How do you discern the four spirit realms. -The function...
What has God promised you and you are still waiting for? God is want us to claim what He has...
Leif tells the story of his search for love and affirmation during a broken childhood filled...
An amazing story of how God recovered a lost knife as a sign and wonder of the season of...
Patricia King, Joan Hunter, Katie Souza and Charity Bradshaw share about women's issues, ...
David Diga Hernandez flowing in the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, David...
Sheri goes into depth regarding a statement that she made during our Love Revolution conference,...
Los procesos del pensamiento que suceden en la vida de una lesbiana, al igual que piensa...
Do you know God as Father.... as Daddy? This message by Steve Porter will touch your heart as...
The Chavdas discuss the supernatural encounters they had with the Lord both before and after...
El líder de la juventud en Éxodo da consejos importantes sobre cómo ministrar a la juventud que...
Stress, pressure, worry - these things affect our lives on a daily basis. Our reactions to...
Kat answers a question that she is asked nearly every place she goes. Are my pets in heaven?
Mark Chironna gives a prophetic word for Indonesia, Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. August 2012
Tag-team teaching on the various ways that homosexual confusion can develop and the variety of...
-What are the four spiritual realms. -How do you discern the four spirit realms. -The function...
What happens when you are living in the sweet spot? What are the four keys to living in the...
Patricia King's powerful message on knowing who you are and standing firm in times of trial
5 ways to position yourself under the cloud of glory in the coming year.
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, David...
Genesis to Revelation reveals God’s heart to bless His people. Learn to boldly ask God for His...
The problem & solution to porn and its accompanying behaviors according to the principles...
Answers the tough questions concerning pornography, masturbation, and oral & anal sex.
As Melchizedek, Jesus intercedes for us. By discerning that intercession, we can follow...
Amazing story of God's grace and power to set free one so deeply bound and broken.
Bishop Jackson calls for righteousness and justice in both political parties. His message at...
ハロウィーンは悪魔的祝い事だと言うと何人の人が怒るでしょうか? 元悪魔崇拝者で悪魔に25年間仕えて来たジョン・ラミレス兄が言うことには耳を傾けてくれるでしょうか? How many...
The Salvation Army has been at the forefront of ministry to sex trafficking victims worldwide...
An impassioned description of how the love and grace of God teach us to say "No" to...
Do you have a heart for seeing salvation in peoples lives? If so then this Equipping Weekend is...
During the summer we have been running a play centre here at the ARC. Due to its success we are...
A powerful story of living a double life while growing up lesbian in the black church, finally...
Information will change us, it's going to take revelation. The understanding of what God...
Join Patricia King for this powerful message and release of revival fire.
Through words of knowledge and healing, two men are impacted for Jesus on the streets of Phoenix.
In this episode watch amazing testimonies of healing miracles from hearing loss being restored...
Our guests today are Ray and Rosalind MacDonald, part 2.
Patricia King's powerful message on the devastating effect of lies and how to break the habit.
God wants to converse with you! Purchase this amazing teaching at www.revivalfires.org.uk/store
Patricia King's prophetic insight of the coming season and the power of God's love and...
The nature of sex & porn addiction, homosexuality, pedophilia, & ephebophilia and how...
The Glory Zone - Episode 077 This is Part 2 with Bill Johnson and Sid Roth.
God reveals through Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph how He desires blessing, prosperity,...
Author of Healing Through Deliverance gives us a tour thru the Bible as it pertains to demonic...
This episode is Part 3 of a 5 part series on how the wounds in our soul may be causing all kinds...
Dr. Mungadze describes his work with sexually broken people utilizing right brain therapy.
Interview with Chuck Pierce "Going Beyond" Part 1 - Strategies and Models of God
Keeran shares his thoughts about what bully's look like and what a child should do if it...
Laura teaches parents how to talk to their teens about sex and gives teens reasons to wait until...
Dr. Aaron Winter reveals how Jesus Christ operated in faith that saw thousands healed &...
John 10:27 - My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.
Kay unveils the biblical teaching on God's design for sex and how it is available to...
Through your giving, you can invest in a generation of Revival Children. Be part of breaking the...
Clears up a common misunderstanding of Jn 8:31-32 about how sexually broken people are set free...
<div> What are the strong holds that the principalities and powers stand upon? How do...
Part 2 of this incredible 7 hour teaching by Charles and Frances Hunter will show you how lay...
Jesus appeared to His disciples and said, "As the Father sent me, now I send you" and...
David tells the story of his own sexual abuse as a child and the resultant use of underaged porn...
The story of a man who was molested by a male and female during his childhood and the great...
Our guest is Pastor Craig Buroker talking about NEW LEVELS. Inspirational programming...
The word "praise" means to shine forth light. Therefore when you praise, it changes...
Elijah House historia del líder cuando fue abusado sexualmente de niño y la lucha subsiguiente...
When you come to Jesus, you have a spirit man, burning inside of you. Patricia also shares about...
Lost souls call out. "Give me souls or I will die!" Do you carry a burden for the Lost?
More on soul ties, family curses, forgiveness, the authority of the believer, and demonic...
Have you ever seen gold dust and glory clouds during...
All it takes is the faith of a mustard seed to move a mountain, what do you possess to see your...
God wants you to hear and know His voice so other people will know that He is real!
How do we overcome the fear that is in our lives, we can choose to embrace the fulness of the...
This video will acquaint you with the section where specific ministry pages are located.
Dr. Schaumburg describes the difference between the maintenance program that therapy provides...
Patricia King, Joan Hunter, Katie Souza and Charity Bradshaw share about women's issues, ...
Jon McKenzie works with hard men and he shares how releasing the power of God in the work place...
Katie has traveled all over the country collection hundreds of amazing testimonies of healing...
Using his own testimony, Steve talks about pornography, homosexuality and child sexual abuse and...
Our guests are Shaila Visser and John Kivell from Alpha Canada.
Religion is a deadly thing. David exposes religion and speaks freedom from condemnation, guilt...
After being raped in 4th grade, Kegan entered a life of homosexuality and drug addiction, until...
In the wake of uprisings within the Middle East, God is pouring out His Spirit and raising a new...
You are an Embassy of heaven because Christ lives in you. Listen and learn how to move into your...
Katie shares part 3 of her 5 part series on demonic kings that can hinder healing. She explains...
Jeff tells his story of growing up gay in the church and the battle that ensued between his...
John describe su antigua lucha con la pornografía y revela que Dios lo liberó y evitó que...
Pastor Missy Beik joins Freeda Bowers, co-founder of WACX SuperChannel in Orlando for Divine...
El Dr. Townsend discute la lucha que pasamos con el dolor en nuestras vidas, y como podemos...
Every man, woman, and child on planet earth has a deposit of one percent of their DNA that is...
Una historia ponderosa del secreto más viejo de la iglesia lleva a la adicción sexual y al...
Unveiling the schemes of the enemy that keep believers bound to sin, and how we can find freedom...
Patricia King's powerful prophetic word of abundance and prosperity over God's children.
Director of "Free for Life" - Colette Bercu - describes how she got involved in...
Swiggs are short refreshing out-takes from Times of Refreshing a TV/Web ministry of Southside...
The journey Russ took through loneliness and rejection in childhood and seeking pornography and...
Una mirada al interior de la mente y el corazón de la persona atrapada por el porno y la...
-What are the four spiritual realms. -How do you discern the four spirit realms. -The function...
In this episode of Encounter TV, David Diga Hernandez discusses with guest, Michael Koulianos,...
Identify how you moved from life to debt, and discover that through prophetic intervention there...
When it comes to the heart, it can become very complex, very fast. The purer a heart is, the...
A journey through the circumstances under which deliverance is required for a sexually broken...
Iris Ministries Missionary telling her stories. Based in Sudan. Story of protection and...
Healing The Whole Man 6th Hour Joan Hunter teaches how you can be healed, set free, and made...
Worship in the throne room is such a delightful place. Kat shares her visit to the throne room.
Kat addresses the subject of homosexuality. Watch now and learn about being made in the image of...
Tráfico humano y prostitución infantil: lo que podemos hacer para rescatar a quienes han sido...
Kenny Peavy has worked with YWAM, HRC Worship leader and has been all over the world promoting...
Patricia King on making it through a life transition or change successfully
A lady is healed of a torn ligament at a miracle service in Colorado hosted by the healing...
David continues talking about sexual sin & brokenness and how God delivers and sets free the...
Who is the Angel of Breakthrough? Why is he here today? What is he preparing us for?
There is a love cry from God's heart for Israel. I hear the heart of God saying; "Will...
Gènesis 1 revela que el propòsito eterno de Dios es transformarte y hacerte conforme a su...
El problema y la solución al porno y sus comportamientos adjuntos según los principios que...
Enjoy this collection of people getting impacted by the love of Jesus on the streets of Phoenix.
A word for those who are leaders in God's Kingdom or serve in His ministry.
Turning curses into double blessings by using the authority God has given...
ホーマン・あいこ博士:人工知能と脳の研究を40年以上続けている日本人の科学者 Dr. Aiko Hormann, who was born in Japan, was a Research...
Patricia King on making it through a life transition or change successfully
This episode is Part 2 of a 5 part series on how the wounds in our soul may be causing all kinds...
パトリシア・キングと元イスラム教徒で現在牧師のファイサル・マリックが宗教の霊とは何か、またどのようにしてこの霊に打ち勝つことができるか教えます。 Patricia King and...
Walter Heyer relates his fascinating life story while detailing the causes and effects of gender...
Heidi Baker's documentary movie, Compelled By Love - Teaser Trailer (Japanese...
Let God remove the veils from your mind so you can see the new things He is trying to bring into...
Angela Greenig on Elijah Streams Take Authority Over the Enemy in Your Life
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, David...
This woman was dramatically healed in the foyer of the church with a degenerated knee. She...
An endorsement for Patricia King and the work of the XP team.
This miracle took place in the NW part of South Africa and this woman had a kidney disease that...
Dr. Aiko Hormann shares the difference between commanding and asking God.