
「ポルノ中毒からの解放」(John Bevere-Gaining Freedom from Porn)

ジョン・ビビアがポルノ中毒に陥っていた時に、神から受けた啓示によって解放されたいきさつを赤裸々に正直に証しています。 John describes his previous...

Mystical Union

If you seek a deeper revelation of the Kingdom of God, watch this short webinar teaching by...

Unfulfilled Dreams

The scripture says the steps of the righteous have been designed and ordered by God. We must get...

Get Out Of The Cage

Evangelist Joshua Hubbell uses insightful and humorous illustrations to show how Jesus has set...

Graham Cooke "Turning curses into double blessings" 呪いを倍の祝福に変える

Turning curses into double blessings by using the authority God has given...

Walter Heyer Pt 1 - From Walt to Laura to Walt - a transgender's

Walter Heyer relates his fascinating life story while detailing the causes and effects of gender...

Libre del Porno y Masturbación - Rob Jackson

Una mirada al interior de la mente y el corazón de la persona atrapada por el porno y la...

Never Retreat

If we could only come to a place of all out commitment until our hearts are burning within us,...

Live Above The Snake Line

There is a level in the spiritual and physical where you can dwell above the snakes of the enemy.

"The Lamb of God," - Encounter TV: Episode 11

Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, David...

Run The Race

Run your race free from the things that hinder and ensnare you.

Lifeline Today with Dick and Joan, episode 48

Dick is preaching a message at Third Day on how to keep the family strong.