Do you want boldness to go out on the streets and direct the lost to Jesus, Then come to Revival...
Graham Cooke on the The Way of the Warrior Series. Qualities of a Spiritual Warrior, Manifesting...
<div> God is raising up Davids in this nation today. What are the implications to...
Our guest today is Pastor Len Zoeteman of Calgary Full Gospel Church. For more on Dick and...
I'm persuaded that we're moving more into a realm of Incarnational Christianity. The...
Doug explains some of the meaning behind the most common dreams that we dream.
Brazilian Davy Maia discusses how God gave him his music ministry with the saxophone, the effect...
Biblical teaching on God's design for sex, available to anyone who will turn their life...
One glance from Jesus will change you! For full message:
Message from the Jesus Culture event in Dudley. It doesn't take many to create change, you...
Pastor Che prays for release of greater glory for the glory of God and the transformation of...
Stop subscribing to the negative impressions and mindsets of the enemy.
America has some serious issues going on right now and we have the privilege to vote and make a...
Pamela comparte de cómo creció siendo lesbiana y lo que Jesucristo ha hecho para liberarla y...
June tells the story of her own sexual abuse as a child and offers advice on how to overcome the...
How do we father/mother the rising generation, so that they walk in the fulness of what God has...
La autora de Door of Hope cuenta su historia de abuso sexual, como Dios la sanó, and los efectos...
This page has basic Christian teachings. This is a good place to lead new believers and the...
What is an angelic visitation? Are you being visited by angels and not realising it?
Stacey Campbell shares why she thinks this season is going to be a very unique one unlike...
Patricia King teaches on the heavenly Realm. 2 Cor 4:18. Bobby Conner and Charlie Robinson give...
Después de ser abusado sexualmente por un hombre y una mujer, adicción sexual, uso de...
Watch these amazing testimonies of healing miracles collected from Katie's latest...
Katie shares part 4 of her 5 part series on demonic kings that can hinder healing. She explains...
In this episode of Find Refuge TV Steve Porter speaks about the Lord announcing His presence and...
Our guests again are Al and Terry Purvis, and we'll be discussing missions and the role of...
A specialized instruction course for believers to lay hands on the sick and see them recover. Part 1
Жизнь женщин наркоман секса и, как Бог может установить людей бесплатно.
Dr. Aiko Hormann shares common issues regarding unanswered prayers.
A specialized instruction course for believers to lay hands on the sick and see them recover....
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World S:1 E:4 On this edition of Encounter TV,...
Patricia King, Clarice Fluitt, Wendy Walters roundtable on personal identity
Your past is covered by the Blood. God sees you as His child. When you believe your foundation...
Dr. Mungadze describes his work with sexually broken people utilizing right brain therapy.
Christie describes her childhood and adolescence and the growing attraction to females that...
You will find that God can use you to bring healing and help to family, friends and literally...
The story of a man who was molested by a male and female during his childhood and the great...
Jenna was sexually abused by her father's best friend, who was also her best friend's...
The testimony of a woman who unknowingly married a homosexual man and who now runs a ministry to...
Tag-team teaching on the various ways that homosexual confusion can develop and the variety of...
In this episode of Encounter TV, David Diga Hernandez completes his message from Huntington...
Jill shares how dreams, visions and the supernatural realm intersects with our everyday lives.
A man's severely injured back is completely restored by the healing power of Jesus - with...
Patricia King, Joan Hunter, Katie Souza and Charity Bradshaw shared about women's issues, ...
When we learn that God in Heaven is our Father, fear no longer has a grip in our lives. My...
As Christ Ambassadors, you can stand in the earth and make intercession for the world that you...
Todd White shares a testimony of a divine healing of a woman's disc in her back and prays...
Part 1 of how human sexuality was designed to prefigure the marriage of God and redeemed man.
Nate shares his journey from porn addict to brother in Christ with other fellow strugglers.
This video will show you how to be notified by e-mail when fresh content has been uploaded.
Iris Ministries Missionary telling her stories. Based in Sudan. Story of protection and...
ジョン・ビビアがポルノ中毒に陥っていた時に、神から受けた啓示によって解放されたいきさつを赤裸々に正直に証しています。 John describes his previous...
The story of two families and the different kinds of dramatic struggles that can ensue when your...
Michael describes growing up gay and the process by which he decided to deny that false identity...
Como una relación quebrantada con Dios llevó a un hombre a la prostitución y adicción sexual y...
Myesha is healed of heart trouble and generational curses. Listen and receive your healing.
Child sex abuse and a family environment where women were perceived as weak and victims lead to...
Daniel talks about the amazing healing moments that God gave him after his departure from his...
Part 1 of a teaching series on what it truly means to be seated with Christ.
A story of sexual brokenness and an immoral lifestyle that eventually led Matthew to seek...
Remove the obsticles that are attempting to stand in the way of your purpose and passion!...
A Miracle is Worth a Million Words. Frances Hunter teaches from the book of John in this 2 part...
Healing The Whole Man 3rd Hour Joan Hunter teaches how you can be healed, set free, and made...
Catherine discusses how the prophetic should not only predict but interpret as well, why God...
Patricia discusses: Who is our king? What kingdom do we live in? Her DVD "Revival of...
This program explores the world of the male prostitute, featuring the work of Emmaus Ministries...
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, David...
Dr. Clarice Fluitt explains steps on how to make your dreams come true!
Do you need to be set free of something? Do you have a loved one who needs to be set free?...
Patricia King's prophetic insight of the coming season and the power of God's love and...
Learn how the Holy Spirit-inspired prayer in Ephesians reveals God's desire to fill you...
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World S:1 E:5 On this edition of Encounter TV,...
Homosexual confusion caused by childhood sexual abuse and the story of how Jesus set Stephen...
First part in a teaching series where Joshua Hubbell explains what role our souls play in...
Hope for Homeless Youth rescues kids from the streets of Hollywood. A ministry of the Dream...
Aaron Walsh, director of Tauranga House of Prayer, shares his vision for what God is doing in...
God wants to converse with you! Purchase this amazing teaching at
In a Worship Night God inspired us prophetically to believe again for the complete fulfillment...
The interview in this episode is a little different: Dick will be interviewing Joan!! Joan will...
Are you trying to fight a spiritual battle with your own physical strength? Receive strategies...
Bishop Jackson calls for righteousness and justice in both political parties. His message at...
Trauma is a powerful stronghold that keep you from the ability of receiving healing in your...
The entire interview between Aaron and Hamilton Filmalter.
Pt 1 - How a broken relationship with his father and resulting emotional wounds that led him...
You will find that God can use you to bring healing and help to family, friends and literally...
Teaching on soul ties, the passing down of the sins of the fathers, and freedom from demonic...
How do we overcome the fear that is in our lives, we can choose to embrace the fulness of the...
Joan shares with you how you don't have to live with depression but rather how you can be...
There are power in the words we speak. The Bible says: "Life and death are in the power of...
Heidi Baker's documentary movie, Compelled By Love - Official Trailer (Japanese...
There are different reasons why your daily schedules and routines get interrupted.
This miracle will increase your faith for whatever miracle you are believing for. God is good!
In this episode of Encounter TV, David Diga Hernandez ministers healing in Lawndale, CA, a...
Activate the prophetic seer anointing in your life so that you can hear what God is saying and...
Loss is loss, but greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world! If you want the...
How a broken relationship with his father led to male prostitution & sexual addiction and...
David Diga Hernandez takes the time to minister to lives that are about to be dramatically...
David describes the various means by which we can resist temptation by God's power and...
Jeff tells his story of growing up gay in the church and the battle that ensued between his...
It's important to be in tune with the Holy Spirit because it could be life or death for...
"If you want to know the future look at history. We are not going to live in the past but...
We'll be hearing Dick preach during our recent Dominion Conference on where we are in the...
2013-07-07 am Swiggs are short refreshing out-takes from Times of Refreshing a TV/Web ministry...
Fiona talks about the foundation of love and relationship with God that must be developed for...
The key role that performance-orientation plays in the life of an addict and how God can set...
The Riveras discuss following the flow of the Holy Spirit in prophetic worship vs. "worship...
Patrica King and Charlie Robinson share about the the real, the mixture and the false. Bobby...
Has your journey or circumstances in life removed all your joy? God wants to restore your...
Listen now and learn what God has in store for the children of God in the earth in the last days.
Katie Souza shares an amazing Christmas experience she had while in state prison.
Patricia King speaks on watching the condition of your heart and ways to change if it's...
Louisa takes us on a journey through her troubled childhood and her former life as a prostitute...
We believe that by watching and implementing this message into your life, God will bring you...
Stacey Campbell shares the definition of a miracle and tells stories of miracles she's...
Here is an overview of the work that Revival Fires support at Papa's House in north east of...
Penny tells the story of her marriage to a closeted homosexual who contracted AIDS and died,...
Abraham y Moises representan las dos formas de hacerse justo delante de Dios: por las obras de...
Do you often wake up feeling there was a significant message in your dream, but aren’t sure what...
Filmed in beautiful New Wilmington, PA. The Heavenly Bridegroom is waiting for a mature bride....
Graham Cooke answers the questions "What does the Voice of God sound like and how do you...
Katie has traveled all over the country collection hundreds of amazing testimonies of healing...
Owen Braaksma, from Waiuku, New Zealand, shares of the miracles he saw as a 15yr old student...
Aaron talks about Middle Easterners having God encounters; Hamilton talks about a family that...
As a channel host you have (6) free links and an additional link to your donation portal.
Transexualismo, Travestismo, Drag Queens, Hermafrodismo, Síndrome de Kleinfelter, Trastorno de...
Todd White shares of an instant healing of MS and prays deliverance and healing for multiple...
Watch this tutorial on how to create personal playlists! This is a Premium Subscriber Benefit.
We believe that by watching and implementing this message into your life, God will bring you...
Pt 1 - How a broken relationship with his father and resulting emotional wounds that led him...
Katie shares part 1 of her 5 part series on demonic kings that can hinder healing. She...
Kat has made many visits to heaven. In this clip she explains what she has learned about time in...
You are an Embassy of heaven because Christ lives in you. Listen and learn how to move into your...
Sy Rogers asks “The Lads” about sexual struggles that teens have & how they've dealt...
David Diga Hernandez leads a congregation into the manifest presence of God.
Owen Braaksma, from Waiuku, New Zealand, shares of the miracles he saw as a 15yr old student...
Patricia King teaches how to receive and activate prophetic words over your life.
Stress, pressure, worry - these things affect our lives on a daily basis. Our reactions to...
Pastor Che' Ahn addresses some recent words spoken over California in this episode of The...
The nature of sex & porn addiction, homosexuality, pedophilia, & ephebophilia and how...
The story, thus far, of the healing ministry of David Diga Hernandez.
This video provides keys to help you tap into the supernatural to achieve breakthrough in your...
Abraham y Moises representan las dos formas de hacerse justo delante de Dios: por las obras de...
Come with us as we go and spread the gospel to the Toto tribe in the North East of India
Joan Hunter teaches how you can be healed, set free, and made totally whole body, soul, and...
Ian Johnson shares how we can make the transition from a powerless Christianity to a dynamic...
The Dance Between Chance and Choice: Transforming Possibility into Opportunity You can live...
Stress, pressure, worry - these things affect our lives on a daily basis. Our reactions to...
Billy Graham's daughter talks about the adultery and abuse that was a part of her first two...
Dr. Mark Chironna shares a word for the New Year. Hidden Kingdom blessings are coming to the...
Paul Young, the author of "The Shack", shared his story of childhood sexual abuse and...
Kat answers questions that have been asked of her regarding our guardian angels.
Are you equipped and eady for the work of the ministry, or has the church boxed you in?...
Abraham y Moises representan las dos formas de hacerse justo delante de Dios: por las obras de...
The Healing School series is full of cutting edge, fresh revelation! Learn how demonic kings...
Enseñanza sobre ataduras del alma, el traspaso de los pecados de los padres, y la libertad de...
Encounter TV Ancient Truth for the Modern World On this edition of Encounter TV, David...
Iverna shares her deep wisdom on how to raise children based on biblical principals in a world...
After being raped in 4th grade, Kegan entered a life of homosexuality and drug addiction, until...
Pt 2 – Más sobre ataduras del alma, maldiciones familiares, perdón, la autoridad del creyente, y...
The official video conference set to air 10 am October 1, 2009 (ist) with Steve Porter and Rick...
Stress, pressure, worry - these things affect our lives on a daily basis. Our reactions to...
Watch these amazing testimonies of Bone miracles collected from Katie's latest conferences....
Swiggs are short refreshing out-takes from Times of Refreshing a TV/Web ministry of Southside...
In this eye opening interview, Dutch Sheets talks with Dr. Aaron Winter about the coming...
It’s important for you to have a clear, well defined goal and vision. The stronger and more...
More healing testimonies from Brazil with Randy Clark and Global Awakening.
Watch Dr. Aiko now and learn how to make the left and right hemispheres of the brain harmonize.
James Goll shares prophetic insight about the presence of the Lord pouring out over the nations...
Dr. Mark Chironna shares a word for the New Year. Hidden Kingdom blessings are coming to the...
The touching story of a sexually abused young girl who became a prostitute before finding her...
The father of the ex-gay movement tells his story of being groomed into homosexuality by his...
Kat addresses the subject of homosexuality. Watch now and learn about being made in the image of...
Joan shares with you how you don't have to live with depression but rather how you can be...