
Ends Of The Earth

Human hearts are desperately searching for healing and hope! God has called us to a serious...

What Your Name Means! 60 sec

Patricia King on the value of knowing the meaning of your name

Lifeline Today with Dick and Joan, episode 53

Our guest today is Sarah Ball, and we are continuing our chat with her on God's healing in...

Katie Souza Supernatural Weight Loss

Katie teaches on what drives you to overeat and the biblical secrets that will set you free

Aaron & Hamilton Discus Miracles In The Middle East

Aaron talks about Middle Easterners having God encounters; Hamilton talks about a family that...

Redeeming Sexual Abuse - Pt 1

Tracey describes her life as part of a very dysfunctional family system, her sexual abuse and...

Seer, Knower, Prophet & Warrior #2

Seer, Knower, Prophet & Warrior #2

Divine Favor Promo

Divine Favor Promo

A-Team Mentorship with Patricia King

A course that transforms lives.

「モラル革命」 (Kris Vallotton-Moral Revolution)

べテル教会のクリス・バロトン牧師が、神から与えられた性と性欲の真の意味と知識を現代の若者達に向けて語っています。 Bethel Church's Kris Vallotton...

Russian-Truth Will Set You Free-Horrobin

Clears up a common misunderstanding of Jn 8:31-32 about how sexually broken people are set free...

MIRACLES: Kidney Failure (South Africa)

This miracle took place in the NW part of South Africa and this woman had a kidney disease that...