Living Water Flowing
A spontaneous keyboard instrumental that came during the recording of the "Serenity"...
Prophetic Word About the PTOE Music
I received this prophetic word as a download at a Paul Cox conference on January 26, 2014 during...
My Story - Music with Frequencies of the PTOE
My testimony of recording music embedded with frequencies of the Periodic Table of Elements,...
Healing Flow
"Healing Flow" is one of my favorite God-inspired instrumentals. It came forth in June...
Favor Factor
Jesus grew in favor with God and man, and you are meant for the same. On this week’s episode of...
They Did Not Quit
Roberts Liardon joins Patricia King to remind us all that no matter what has been, we can finish...
Creative Miracles
Tony Kemp shares about his heavenly visitation to the "body parts room" in heaven and...
Living Water Flowing
A spontaneous keyboard instrumental that came during the recording of the "Serenity"...
Amazing Grace
Piano solo. This is my story. God's amazing grace. Depths of love I cannot put into words.
Living Water Flowing
A spontaneous keyboard instrumental that came during the recording of the "Serenity"...
Living Water Flowing
A spontaneous keyboard instrumental that came during the recording of the "Serenity"...
Living Water Flowing
A spontaneous keyboard instrumental that came during the recording of the "Serenity"...
My Story - Music with Frequencies of the PTOE
My testimony of recording music embedded with frequencies of the Periodic Table of Elements,...
WOFL 2014 Panel Discussion
A Panel of Speakers answer questions submitted from attendees at the conference, and people...
Prophetic Word About the PTOE Music
I received this prophetic word as a download at a Paul Cox conference on January 26, 2014 during...
My Story - Music with Frequencies of the PTOE
My testimony of recording music embedded with frequencies of the Periodic Table of Elements,...
Amazing Grace
Piano solo. This is my story. God's amazing grace. Depths of love I cannot put into words.
Living Water Flowing
A spontaneous keyboard instrumental that came during the recording of the "Serenity"...