Why do We have Problems
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding explains that the moment we are born again our nature...
Growing in Character
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on the difference to having Christ in us and...
Supernatural is Natural
Enjoy amazing teaching and testimonies of how signs and wonders are becoming the norm.
Bold as Lions 4
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding continues to discuss boldly overcoming fear. In this...
The God of Your Heart's Desire
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding explains that God cares about you, your dreams,...
Equipping the Saints-Dealing with Fear
Pastor Mike Harding continues equip the saints at Love Gospel Church. This week he teaches how...
Come into the Ark part2
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding shares on the new rain and flood of the Holy Spirit...
Spiritual Authority According to King David part1
King David had revelation of the coming Messiah and stepped into the authority that is available...
Twenty Ways to Get Healed Part 6
How to connect to healing through communion with Christ and the finished work of the cross.
Angels are Busy
Did you Know that you have a legion of angels or 6,000 of them to help you. Pastor Missy teaches...
Prophecy - Julie Meyers & Patricia King
Julie Meyers & Patricia King - America's Big Tent Prophesy
2013 A Year of Activation part1
A teaching on the Prophetic Word Pastor Mike Harding had concern the year 2013 being a year of...
Proverbs College for Kings, part4
A continuation of a teaching on the themes and wisdom of Proverbs that train us on how to live...
The Promise of His Coming
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on the end times and promises we have of...
God Multiplies the Loaves
When we Give God all we have, even the little things, in our lives, God will move on our behalf...