In The Midst
Patricia King interviews Katie Souza about the power and presence of the Lord.
The Truth about Salvation P2
The Truth about Salvation & the Baptism of the Holy Spirit Part 2
Steps To Recovery (Pt 1)
Jan begins a 2-part examination of how someone recovers from childhood sexual abuse.
To Honor Obedience by Pastor Missy Beik
How do you tap into God's glory? This teaching shows how honoring obedience, the altar and...
The Mystery part 8
Pastor Mike Harding continues teaching The Mystery at Love Gospel Church. Here he explores how...
You Can Have A Supernatural Marriage
Linda Wilson shares how you can have a supernatural marriage.
Body Building with God
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding discusses God's version of body building uses...
The Mystery part 3
Pastor Mike Harding teaches on the mystery of God's love through the story of Rebekah,...
Healing the Soul
Pastor Marcy Saggio explains how rejection forms wounds on your soul and how to be free from them.
Supernatural Leadership through Communication with God
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches how every leader in the bible had direct...
Are You Available to God?
Revival is easy for God with people who are prepared. Is your heart & life really ready to...
Spiritual Authority and Prayer
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on your spiritual authority and how to use it...
The Mystery part 10
Love Gospel Church finishes "The Mystery" series as Pastor Mike Harding teaches this...
The Lord our Victory Banner
Jehovah Nissi, God won the battle and we continue to win it in our minds.
The Mystery part 4
Pastor Mike Harding teaches on the Seven parts of The Mystery. Through the death of Jesus on the...