Gift of Working of Miracles by Pastor Missy Beik
Learn how the Gift of Word of Knowledge operates with the Gift of Working of Miracles. These...
Treasures In Transition Part 1
Mark Chironna shares why God allows seasons of uncertainty, confusion, and difficulty in our...
Call to Worship
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on the importance and intimacy of worship.
Jan describes contributing factors that need to be addressed, such as bondage & deliverance,...
Position Prosperity
Patricia King interviews Joshua Mills about his book Positional Prosperity.
The Mystery part 8
Pastor Mike Harding continues teaching The Mystery at Love Gospel Church. Here he explores how...
Pr. Missy on 'How God Deals With Rebellion' Msg. 4
In this fourth part of the series we learn from Numbers 17 how God deals with rebellion and how...
Worthy is the Lamb Part 2
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding explains what Jesus did makes us worthy to receive...
The Glory
Pastor Mike Harding teaches at Love Gospel Church on the ever increasing Glory. He explains how...
The Kingdom
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches how Jesus opened his ministry by announcing,...
Praying for Daily Bread
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches on Jesus and the presence of God being the...
He Walks With Me
James Goll talks about his walk with God and what an impact it's made on his life.
Miracles By Joshua Mills
Joshua Mills shares his testimony about the many miracles he has witnessed.
Prayer And The Gift Of A Miracle by Pastor Missy Beik
This message will show you the importance of prayer in the gift of working of miracles! It also...
Twenty Ways to Get Healed Part 5
More biblical ways to get healed, like using the power of agreement.
Body Parts
James Goll shares an encounter he had with God about the body parts room in heaven.
The Mystery part 2
Pastor Mike Harding continues to reveal "The Mystery" of the church. How we are called...
Carrying His Heart
Can He trust you with His very heart? This message was given at a South Africa conference.