Proclaim His Goodness part1
Goodness is who God is and when we Proclaim God's goodness we can watch him show up to...
Finding A Door Of Hope
A survivor of childhood sexual abuse begins the conference by talking about her experience and...
Metal Disolved
Randy Clark shares amazing testimonies of the miraculous power of God and how heaven is touching...
What Your Dreams Are Telling You
Patricia King interviews Cindy McGill about the power of your dreams and what they are telling you.
The Gift
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches an object lesson on the free gifts of God. He...
Greater Awakening Part 2
When a nation is founded and follows the ways of God, it is blessed. It prospers. But what...
How a W.O.K. works with a W.O.M. by Pastor Missy Beik
This teaching is based on the Book of Hosea and Revelations. Learn how a Word of Knowledge leads...
Worthy is the Lamb Part 2
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding explains what Jesus did makes us worthy to receive...
The True Vine
Pastor Mike Harding teaches at Love Gospel Church on Jesus as the true vine. He shares how Jesus...
The Gospel According to Abraham
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding shares the gospel message of love starting from...
Look To Jesus
Stacey Campbell shares why she thinks this season is going to be a very unique one unlike...
Relationship Builders and Relationship Killers
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding continues to teach on relationships. He explains that...
Walk in the Spirit
After Jesus went to heaven he sent the Holy Spirit to be our guide, friend, and power source.
Top 4 things Jesus Taught his Disciples-Commitment
At Love Gospel Church, Pastor Mike Harding teaches that Jesus required his disciples to be...
Women Of Worth - Lexington, Tennessee
Women Of Worth Conference in Lexington, Tennessee A new perspective, thinking, talking and way...
Pastor Missy : 'Healing as a Process'
Pastor Missy teaches us how to see healing as a process through Mark 8:22-26 example . Learn how...