two-way journaling
prophetic words
Fasting: A Time Out
Texas, rise up and take your place among the nations, I have separated you out to be a sign and...
Bible Promises
Journaling about Psalm 23
Gifts of Healings
Miracles Occur When COMPLETELY Aligned with Rhema and Vision from God
Receive Wonderful Counsel from the Wonderful Counselor
Why Do I Have False Positives in My Journaling?
The Big Question – What About Worshiping Angels?
Whitney Houston was not the only person who talked about Jesus yet struggled privately with...
When we think of a Mothers greatest attribute; it has to be love!
Two way journaling
Hear God's love toward you
Revival Will Heal Our Nation! 4 Keys to Revival
transformation, favor, increase, acceleration, a church of power and integrity will arise,...
After the girls started going to heaven, they were always on the front row at church; first ones...
Would You PLEASE STOP Believing for the Takeover of the World by Satan!
Two-way journaling
When Jesus Could NOT Do Miracles (But Could Still Do Therapeutic Cures)
A Biblical Guide to Making Stupid Decisions
Podcast: Angel Medics & Hospital Room Miracles
All truth is parallel, if we know how our enemy has operated in the past, then we can understand...
Dream Work 101: Dream Recording Tools
Interview with Joshua Mills on Creative Glory
New book of anointed poems