Author: Darren Wilson
sequel to Finger of God By Darren Wilson, director
Furious Love is done. Sort of.
This past Friday I wrote my last line (I actually cried when I wrote it, so I can’t wait to see what it does to people when they see the visuals that go with it!) and placed my last piece of footage on my editing timeline. This was a journey that took a year and a half of my life (utterly consumed it, is a better way to put it) and in the process completely changed my heart. I’ve seen things that you will see in a few months when this movie is released, and I have a feeling your heart is going to be changed just like mine was.
I remember when I was putting Finger together in my living room and how my entire theology was changed by what I saw and experienced. The miraculous had just been opened up to me, and as I left my doubt and excuses behind me, I wondered why every Christian doesn’t believe what Jesus had to say about us receiving and administering His power. I thought Finger might be an important film for a few hundred people, that it might open up some discussion and get some people to maybe dig a little more into their own theology and belief systems to figure out exactly what they believe and why. I knew I’d get some heat for that first 15 minutes, and true to form I have, but I was simply reporting what I saw and filmed. But again, I figured the movie would speak to some people and start some discussions, which is pretty much all I counted on.
Of course, millions have now seen it and it’s started a lot more than just discussions. Healings, revivals, salvations, the works.
But making this movie has been an entirely different experience. For one, I know that a ton of people are going to see this thing. But now that I’ve finished putting the story together–taking 150 hours footage and compressing it down to 90 minutes–I’m pretty aware of how people are going to react to this thing. I know the sections people are going to have a hard time with, but I’ve tried to make a movie that hits it hard right at the start and doesn’t let up the rest of the way. There’s nothing here that resembles the first 15 minutes of Finger, nothing that should cause people to send me nasty emails telling me I’m going to hell for leading Christians astray. I mean, the movie is about love. If you’ve got a problem with that, well, I’m not sure what you WILL like. What is here is 90 minutes of God’s love for all of us at it’s most raw, most powerful, and most potent form. For people who just know God loves them in their head and don’t yet feel it in their hearts…well…get ready.
I’ve never been more proud of anything I’ve done in my entire life. I said it when I started filming, and I will say it again here. Now that I’ve put the whole thing together, Furious Love was the reason I was put on this earth. After this, everything else is just gravy.
Of course, now that the rough cut is complete, let the long, tedious journey of turning a rough cut into a shining, shimmering final cut begin!
Suggested Resource: Working of Miracles - CD Set
Darren Wilson has spent the last few years documenting miracles around the world, some of them pretty weird. But to him, it's all evidence of God's 'furious' love. Darren founded Wanderlust Productions in 2006 when he began work on what would become his first feature length film, Finger of God. The company currently concentrates on creating feature films that are both creatively exciting and spiritually engaging.
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