Author: Munday Martin
by Munday Martin
The Lord recently allowed me to have an amazing experience in His glory realm concerning accessing His favor and unlimited resources from Heaven and bringing it to earth. For some of you this may be stretching, but that is always good, especially when an experience that is outside of our perimeters of "natural" proves to benefit us and bring fruit in this temporal realm. Oftentimes, it is the supernatural realm of God, outside of our limitations of time and space, where we see the most impacting results for our dreams to manifest into reality.
We must begin to explore the depths of the glorious riches in Christ, especially in times where the U.S. dollar seems to be falling more and more in value and earth is shaking. There is a Kingdom system of finances that can't be shaken that is obtainable to any Believer. God is no respecter of persons as far as who He allows to access His unlimited favor and blessings. Nor are there only a few possible avenues God decides to use to bring them to us!
God's treasure does not only show up in the form of paychecks or cash currency. God uses angels to help us reap Kingdom currency, and He can even make money show up in our bank accounts miraculously, and we have seen Him do this before. We have an unshakable Kingdom, and if the world's resources appear to be drying up, then we know, in God, His resources will never run out. Let's face it though; this Gospel we preach sometimes requires the resources of the world to win the attention of the lost. Jesus made this clear when He spoke in Luke 16:9, "I tell you, make for yourselves friends by means of unrighteous mammon, so that when you fail, they may receive you into the eternal tents."
Money, in and of itself, is not bad, but can be a wonderful tool when used in righteous hands to advance God's Kingdom and to win the multitudes to Christ for eternity. The prophetic community at large is beginning to understand this, as a justice generation has emerged to pour out wealth beyond times past. This new breed's intent is to see the restitution of all things Jesus spoke about come to fruition.
My lifelong goal and vision is to see the nations transformed and to watch God raise up Believers and Leaders in all the mountains of society to help influence the economic world, media, political world, and much more with the message of the Cross. This will help bring the restitution of all things before Christ returns. Right now, our ministry is in the process of helping this come to pass through one certain avenue. We are making a pilot for a show to capture signs, wonders, and miracles on the streets to be broadcast both on the Internet and airwaves.
I believe this reality media, inspired by "The Finger of God" film, will be a great tool which will empower and equip the Body to go and do the greater works Jesus prophesied. New ideas like this are what I believe it will take to see the salvation of nations and every level of society touched. It's time for the Church to have their reality shows! Let's take nations! Let's take airwaves! Let's take Hollywood! We are already seeing major doors open for this show to become a reality, and we're just getting started.
We must not lose sight that there is a Kingdom law of prosperity we can access by faith, even if the prosperity message has been wrongly abused in the past. There is much to be done in the world, and how else can we even begin to ponder about taking the different mountains of society such as media, the political realm, the market place, if we disregard the prosperity message fully?
The Bible states in Philippians 4:19, "And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." There are glorious riches—gold, diamonds, silver, rubies, every wealthy substance imaginable, in Jesus Christ. He is the richest Man in the universe. Kingdom finances, however, are only obtainable through the realm of a Believer's faith, and the doorway is through Christ.
Pasture for Sheep is the Land of Provision
Jesus said in John 10:7-10, "I tell you the truth, I am the gate for the sheep. All who ever came before Me were thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. I am the gate; whoever enters through Me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
Jesus is not only the door into eternal salvation and eternal bliss, but He is the door into the pasture. Pasture for sheep is the land of provision, sustenance, food, nutrients, water, and their Shepherd's care. We can access that pasture to help bring Heaven to earth. We can access that pasture to help bring Heaven's wealth to earth and to propagate the message of Jesus. We can take care of the world's refuse and poor and we can "come in and go out" and access this pasture through the door or gate of Jesus Christ.
I believe we now have open windows to help the poor in certain arenas which could last for only a season. By that, I want to look at two trends of justice right now that are on the heart of God's people: 1) Helping free people from the sex trade, and 2) Helping rescue child soldiers. These two trends may only last as trends for a window of time. Soon, in a new decade or so, there will be new trendsetters for compassion. Who knows, next it could be cleansing water supplies in third world nations. So that tells me that our window of time to help rescue victims of the sex trade and child soldiers is now, and the justice generation must invade Heaven's treasuries fast to make a lasting impact.
Withdrawing From God's Treasuries
The other day, I caught myself striving too much in the flesh in my work. The Lord's Spirit came upon me so heavy, and I began to enter into His bliss and His unknown joy! I felt myself lifting in the glory. It almost felt like I could float up through the ceiling! I was being lifted up in the Spirit. God began to work in the imagination center of my mind, and I began to weep, having visions of me dancing with Jesus in beautiful fields of grass and exotic flowers. I saw His smile. I saw His brilliant, white light beaming off of His Jewish face, and rainbows that surround Him. I saw His nail-pierced hand and the mark in His side from the Roman soldier's spear.
Throughout these awesome visions, my heart strings began to be pulled as I started thinking about the great needs of the world and the multitudes who are lost. It was then that I entered into a room of Heaven that I believe was the room of God's Treasuries.
1 Chronicles 9:26 tells us there were "four chief porters, who were Levites, were in an office of trust, and were over the rooms and over the treasuries in the house of God." God loves to model Heaven on earth, so if the Temple had these treasury rooms, believe me they are in Heaven.
I once had an experience where in a vision an angel gave me a gold coin, and I ate the coin, and it went into my belly. On that coin was written the verse, before I knew it was in the Bible, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me" (John 10:27). This was right when I was coming to the Lord in 1999. In Heaven there are many gold coins, gold bricks, gold streets, even golden angels—people like Bob Jones and my friend Jeff Jansen have seen!
Matthew 6:20 makes it clear, "But store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal." So we know then that there are treasures in Heaven. The question is—do we have to wait to get there after our mortal bodies physically die to access those treasures? According to the Word of God, "Whatever we bind on earth will have been bound in Heaven."
So essentially, even in the arena of giving and receiving, if we bind our hands from giving on earth, it is already predetermined to be bound in Heaven; unobtainable, and inaccessible in the earth. However if we loose giving on the earth, it is already predetermined in Heaven that it will be loosed in Heaven over our lives in this earth realm.
So, in this treasury room in Heaven I was just in, I began to remind the Lord of His promises, and remind Him of the times my wife and I have given sacrificially in ministry over the past 10 years. I then proceeded and said, "Lord, I now reap the blessings from every seed we have given," and I walked out of that treasury room with bags full of gold coins, diamonds, and substance of wealth in this vision.
After this experience, minutes later, we saw incredible miracles take place! I then looked at our ministry account and we had received a nice sized donation that very same day. Next, the offerings that weekend in my ministry in some churches exceeded many offerings in weekends or conferences we had done before. On top of that, a leader in the church called my phone while I was having these visions, and while I had on his worship CD, and said he wants to meet me and do some conferences this year! That was while his CD was on. I thought that was so funny! That is a door of favor that in striving in the flesh before I encountered these visions, I could not have opened!
If that's not enough to give you some evidence of the truth behind this message, I just got an e-mail while writing this article that our ministry has tapped into a huge sneaker donation coming to our ministry soon, which we will help take to put on the feet of the poor in our missions and crusades! Just in, too, I got invited to an all-expenses-paid ministry trip to England, which was just confirmed while writing this article!
I believe many of you reading this are about to discover that you have a heavenly account in Heaven from your giving and it's due time to make a withdrawal from it! So go on, be a Kingdom-minded person from now on through your finances. Let's change the world today and be the justice generation invading Heaven's treasuries to make a lasting impact!
Suggested Resource: Riches In Glory - CD set
Munday Martin is a revivalist who ministers and preaches in the prophetic, apostolic and healing anointings. Wherever he ministers, Munday likes to impart the fire of God to people. Healings, signs and wonders often manifest in the glory of God in his meetings. With his wife Jennifer, Munday has traveled the globe extensively in 22 nations seeing literally thousands come to Christ through power evangelism, international crusade work, and Prophetic street evangelism since 1999. Munday has a strong burden for the lost, a desire to see a godly generation promote transformation and counter cultural reformation through intimacy with the Holy Spirit. Munday was ordained recently this year by Dr. James Goll as a prophetic revivalist for this generation, and is part of the EN Alliance, a coalition of leaders.
Munday Martin
Contagious Love International
Email: munday@contagiousloveintl.com
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