Author: Theresa Phillips
by Theresa Phillips
I was in worship when suddenly I saw in front of me a man dressed in a civil war uniform. He abruptly changed into another civil war uniform. He was wearing uniforms of both sides of the line. He stood in front of me and said "HOLD THE LINE."
Just the night before, I had given a small historical account to our guest speakers about the civil war encampment, just a short distance from my home. I did not know it would lead me to understand the importance of a prophetic moment in time. "We have entered a Prophetic Moment in time" Says the Lord. "Prophets spoke about this time"
My city (Chicago) has been the freedom belt; Abolition territory; a peace envoy between First Nation and Early Settlers. I have known some of their descendents, and it is a place where a powerful battle was fought during the civil war.
On July 4th I was speaking with my niece in the community park when I began to prophesy that the First Nation people who were in our city would return. And now, a few weeks later, I found myself in a unique encounter with the past and the present. I was looking at this supernatural being on the platform that was decreeing across our congregation "HOLD THE LINE."
I asked my military husband about this, and he informed me it was often used to encourage men in combat.
Dictionary Meaning = To have and keep in one's grasp; to aim or direct; point; to keep from falling or moving; to sustain the pressure of; to maintain a grasp or grip on something; To stay securely fastened.
As I began to meditate on this vision I had another encounter:
A word swelled up inside me like a raging fire not able to be tamed. I heard the Lord speak to me "READ NEHEMIAH!!! REMEMBER NEHEMIAH!!" I began to weep like Rachel for her children. I began to see the city I live in and remembered the word recently given that there are over 700,000 un-churched right here in this city. I wept more.
I went before My King (Neh. 2:3) The God Works of my earthly father were crying out to me. So was the Blood of the war and the loss of the tribes (all of them cried out to my heart.) So I asked God to give me permission to build a wall around my city and suddenly I was before him in the throne room of Heaven when He handed me a scroll and I opened it and saw these words in blue; "???? ??? ?? ????" meaning "My firm hand on the city" Then He spoke to me.
"I give this to you, redeem the lost, show kindness and establish a base of safety for My Presence to dwell in, I am in this city. I have sent many to help fortify the city. Pray that no one will invade. Pray for your church, the city, the state and your nation. For your city, build me this habitation." I wept and am still weeping.
God's hand is on YOUR CITY and the people in YOUR CITY!
I was in prayer again just asking Jesus to stop any false intruder and to mark our city with grace and love when I saw the soldier again and heard, "HOLD THE LINE." Again I wept not knowing how to do that. I was weeping from frustration and weariness for we do not always know what He is doing do we? But even if we don't know, we must continue to pray.
So based on the story from Nehemiah (Nehemiah 1:1 says "in the 20th year" and our ministry is 21 in August so we are in our 20th year) my husband, my secretary and myself began driving around our city and decreeing out loud: "HOLD THE LINE - NO Penetration - NO False entry - NO distraction - NO hatred or jealousy shall invade our city, we ask You Jesus, fortify the city with an angelic guard"
Suddenly the Spirit showed me something that made me shake. I saw a measuring line in the hands of four angelic guards over the city and they were measuring the city. They were "Holding The Line!"
Then I saw them move the line like a wave and I heard the voice of the Lord say "I am giving new strategies to fortify cities all across the Nation. Some strategies will be by preparing for disaster by floods. Some will be by holding huge prayer events in stadiums. Some will be by evangelism, some by missionaries; for I am calling many missionaries back to the field of America. America Needs Missionaries. I am redeeming the lost tribe of The Church that has been wandering to and fro. I am rebuilding my Church to be a fortified city set on a hill. I am going to restrain from judgments for a time. I am calling my people to ARISE and ask me for YOUR CITY and I will open a door for you that no man can shut. I am going to inquire at my house for Extravagant Worship for I am calling My Church to awaken in this hour. I have need of you to HOLD THE LINE of glory, wisdom, UNITY and love. I am fortifying the assemblies with an angelic guard and I will not relent says the Lord. I will have for Myself a city, a state and a nation for surely you are in the days when kings go to war and these kings are the leaders of jealousy and contempt. I will have that to cease and I will bring in a huge SHIFT in your land. NOW prepare Me a place to dwell in. Fortify it in prayer, fasting and praise. DO NOT FORGET PRAISE.PRAISE .PRAISE for praise invokes my PRESENCE. SO PRAISE ME says the Lord, I will be with you and you will see a change. I am saying Church arise and Pray and Do this - HOLD THE LINE, FORTIFY THE CITIES, says the Lord!
Suggested Resources: Light Belongs In The Darkness
Theresa Phillips Is an Ordained Apostle under Dr. Renny Mclean of Global Glory Ministries. She is Senior Pastor and founder of Praise Ministries International Institute in St Charles, IL. Her ministry spans 23 years seeing many signs and wonders including 8 risen from the dead. She is editor of Chicago Prophetic Voice.
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