By Dr. Robin Harfouche
A sucker is a spiritual leach. A sucker is someone with a developed soul. It’s a person that has no interest in the Spirit. They thrive on control. They live out of fear, preying on those who will submit to spiritual manipulation. A sucker will drain you of every drop of anointing that you ever had! You will walk away and feel like you’ve been sapped of all strength and vitality. You’ll wonder what’s on you. That’s a sucker! A renegade weed that the Father didn’t plant has tapped you and is attempting to drain the life from you. It doesn’t want to be a part of the vine, but it wants the benefits of the vine. It’s a runner weed. It’s a scavenger from the soulish realm. That thing wants to latch onto you and create a tie that will siphon off your spiritual strength.
Have you ever seen one of those fish in the aquarium that cleans the algae off? They’re sometimes called Sucker Fish. Have you seen their mouth and how it’s suctioned on to the glass? That’s a sucker!
A sucker wants to put its mouth on you! It wants to suck the vitality right out of you because you’re connected to the vine! Suckers like what comes out of the vine, but they don’t want to go to the vine themselves. It requires commitment and they don’t want to pay the price! A sucker can’t go to the vine because it’s not a branch, it’s a parasite. If a sucker got on the vine, the Father would clip him off quickly.
Unfortunately, some branches want to pretend that their sucker branches are real branches! They don’t want to redirect unruly runners to the vine because of the empowerment they feel. A soulish, mutually dependent relationship develops. God did not design a branch to support ties to renegade runners. Don’t let an over developed soul attach itself to you! You direct them to the vine!
Suggested Resource: Soul Ties Book
In 1986, God gave Dr. Robin a vision to train and equip a generation of 400,000 miracle workers for the final harvest of souls. Today, Dr. Robin travels the globe with her husband, Dr. Christian Harfouche, literally running to keep up with that divine mandate.
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