Author: Mark Virkler
Listen to this new free song about baby Jesus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCdLDb-66pM. Download it here: https://lindaharpermusic.store/single/120180/the-baby-king
Mark, let's talk about My decision to come to earth, to be born in a manager so I could fully identify with mankind and become the Savior of their sins. Yes, I took all their sins upon Myself and bore them on the cross so that they could receive me as their Lord and Savior and follow me into Paradise and into their heavenly home.
It was a big decision. My Father offered Me the opportunity to fulfill it. The decision was in My hands. However, we loved the world so much that we agreed that the laying down of My life to save humanity was what was to be done.
Yes, it was hard. Yes, it was painful and yes, it was full of glory. For I have now returned to glory and brought those who choose to believe in Me into glory to enjoy life forevermore.
So was it worth it? Yes, it was worth it. Giving your life for a moment in time to receive back multiplied blessings and honors is worth it for ALL who would choose such a lifestyle.
Receiving God’s love for the truth and choosing to lay down your life for the good of others is a good choice and a wise decision for ALL to make.
I modeled it. I lived it. I taught it, and I require it of those who would follow Me and call Me their Lord and Savior.
In this season where you honor Me as Lord and celebrate My decision to come to earth as the Savior of mankind, I now call each of My children to receive our love for the truth and to lay down their lives for others.
You ask, will it cost you something? Yes, it cost Me something. You ask, will the reward be worth it? Yes, I can testify to you that the reward IS worth it. You will enter into glory and receive My high praises for giving your life for those whom I call you to serve. There is no greater love than this, that you lay down your life for another, even as I did.
So come, follow Me in this season of celebration and love. Love one another so deeply that you lay down your life for others and behold, I will call you children of God.
Behold I have spoken. Behold it is to be done. This is My word to My church. Obey and be blessed.
Worship: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever, Amen.
Scriptures: Jn. 3:16; 5:41,44; 8:42; 10:18, 38;1 Jn. 3:16; 2 Thess. 2:10; 1 Pet. 5:4; Rev. 4:11; 5:12; 2 Pet. 1:3-11
- "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life." (Jn. 3:16)
- Jesus said "...for I have not even come on My own initiative, but He sent Me." (Jn. 8:42)
- No one has taken it (My life) away from Me, but I lay it down on My own initiative (Jn. 10:18)
- That you may know and understand that the Father is in Me, and I in the Father. (Jn. 10:38)
- We know love by this, that He laid down His life for us; and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. (1 Jn. 3:16)
- "For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it." (Matt. 16:25)
- I do not receive glory from men…How can you believe, when you receive glory from one another and you do not seek the glory that is from the one and only God? (Jn. 5:41,44)
- They did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. (2 Thess. 2:10)
- Seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. For by these He has granted to us His precious and magnificent promises, so that by them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world by lust. Now for this very reason also, applying all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence, and in your moral excellence, knowledge, and in your knowledge, self-control, and in your self-control, perseverance, and in your perseverance, godliness, and in your godliness, brotherly kindness, and in your brotherly kindness, love. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they render you neither useless nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For he who lacks these qualities is blind or short-sighted, having forgotten his purification from his former sins. Therefore, brethren, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you; for as long as you practice these things, you will never stumble; for in this way the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be abundantly supplied to you. (2 Pet. 1:3-11)
- And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory. (1 Pet. 5:4)
- "Worthy are You, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they existed, and were created." (Rev. 4:11)
- "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing." (Rev. 5:12)
Lyrics: Joy to the World! The Lord Is Come!
He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness,
And wonders of His love
Read a novel: Google the following - "The Birth" by Gene Edwards (also available as an audio book).
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