Author: Mark Virkler
It is crucial that each of us hear from God as to our ministry, destiny and calling. Have you? If you need additional training on how to hear God's voice, you can find it at the end of this blog.
Mark, each one is to do what I call them to do.
Yes, you are to be a world-changer. Primarily you change the world by teaching individuals to commune with Me. You research and write and nurture this gift within them.
Yes, I did call you to lead in multiple areas, one being government. You are to bring the voice of God to government. Only a few are focused on doing that. You are to focus on doing that. You are to coach My people to apply My voice and My kingdom rule to the political arena.
Call them into that. Lead them into that and you will have accomplished My call to become a leader in the area of government.
I am the one who promotes the voice of the righteous (Isa. 30:28; 2 Thess. 2:8-12). I will raise up all who are releasing My voice into My world (Ps. 75:4-7). Behold I have spoken. Behold it is to be done.
Listen and obey My word.
Each one is to lift up My voice in the atmosphere that surrounds them. They are to speak it, to declare it, to manifest it, and to live it. This is My will and My call upon My people. Call them to do this. Lead them in doing this. Behold I have spoken. Behold it is to be done.
Speak truth, My truth. Speak what I am speaking at all times. Behold I have spoken. Behold it is to be done.
Is there any life in words outside My spoken word? No, and again I say NO! (Jn. 6:63)
My words are accompanied by My Spirit and they accomplish My will for which I have sent them (Isa. 55:8-11).
- My people are to receive My words, and My words only.
- They are to speak My words, and My words only.
- They are to LIVE My words, and My words only.
All else is meaningless and death (Jn. 6:63). Speak life. Live life. Share life! Release My revival in My world. Thus saith the Lord of Hosts. Now go and do.
Yes, Lord.
Dig Deeper
- Learn to hear God’s voice: www.CWGministries.org/4keys
- Lord, what am I to be doing and speaking right now to release Your life and Your words into the atmosphere that surrounds me?
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Related Resources:
Books for Children and Teens How to Hear God's Voice! How to Master Your Bible! How to Start a Bible School in Your Church
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