Author: Mark Virkler
From Mark Virkler - Remember the Touched by an Angel TV show? This new series is similar in many ways!

Patti and I had the privilege of previewing Episode Three in which Cheryl's deeply personal struggle is the focus. We were touched by the authenticity of what the characters experienced, as well as the depth of truth about God and His working in our lives. These are not fairy tales where God is a genie who grants our wishes. They are the stories of real people facing real challenges and finding that God is with them and loves them, and that He IS working for their good, even when they can't see it. We encourage you to watch this new series and be blessed!
Now let's hear from the screenwriter and producer, and our very own Christian Leadership University alum, Cheryl McKay, herself...
While I feel it was one of the most emotional and darkly depressive seasons of my life, I know for God it was one of my best. Those CLU classes and my time spent with the Lord changed my life in all the best ways because it changed me from the inside out—from the heart. But that didn’t mean there wouldn’t be hard times ahead where I’d need God to show up tangibly and help me.
Cheryl and Chris on set
All of us, when we go through trials, want to know that we are not alone.
One way that God has applied Romans 8:28 to my life is through allowing me to be a writer—using everything for my good—even the “bad.” Trials give me something to write about that others may relate to.
I’m beyond thankful that God called me to this and how He’s opened such great opportunities through writing faith-based movies (like The Ultimate Gift, Indivisible and Extraordinary), and now a new TV series called These Stones.
Book cover
The heart of These Stones is bringing Bible characters into present day, working undercover to help people through problems that are similar to what they went through in the past. Each episode features a different Bible character. Our desire is to show how the Bible is just as applicable to issues today as it was back then through this fictional device. We also want to inspire viewers to learn more about each Bible character featured.
The creative springboard for our series is based on a little understood verse in Matthew’s Gospel. Around 2000 years ago, when Jesus died on the cross, an earthquake opened the tombs of many saints who had died before Him. They were raised to life, walked the earth, and appeared to many people (Matthew 27:50-53).
Our allegorical series asks the fictional question: What if they never left? What if those resurrected saints remain alive today? Each one has to hide their true identity until the person they are helping seems ready to hear who they really are in a supernatural “reveal” moment, much like Touched by an Angel utilized.
Being able to dive into six different Bible characters for this first season and just as many relatable issues was meaningful for me. We got to explore deep pains like grief, loss, disappointment, addiction, and self-worth in our first season.
Imagine seeing Rahab go undercover at a high school, masquerading as a guidance counselor, to help a teenager who is dealing with self-esteem issues because of her choice to be promiscuous. Or how about bringing Abraham’s wife Sarah to help a woman battling infertility? Or Jacob, who stole his brother’s birthright, just like our drug addict swindled her sister out of their family home for a drug fix?
I was blessed to have some incredible actors jump on board this show, who have been strong believers in the faith-based world of filmmaking. This includes Karen Abercrombie (Miss Clara on War Room and The Forge), Madeline Carroll (I Can Only Imagine), Micah Lynn Hanson (Disciples in the Moonlight), Erin Bethea (Fireproof), and Cameron Arnett (Overcomer and The Forge).
But perhaps the deepest blessing for me was how God healed me through writing one of our episodes. He encouraged me through our third episode to finally write about the pains my husband, Chris, and I experienced through infertility.
Mark and Patti Virkler, and their daughter, Charity Virkler Kayembe were a few of my prayer warriors back then, always pointing me to faith in God no matter what the outcome. Charity prayed many prayers of faith, but also understood the pains when things were not going as I had hoped and prayed for. Charity is a great example of one of the many people God sent to me to help me know that I was not alone.
I hope that whoever watches our third episode will be helped, if they have ever had to weather what feels like a harsh “No” from God, to come to understand how those No’s can be turned into gifts, even blessings, if we let them.
Help promote godly programming - Starting Sept. 5, 2024, you can watch These Stones on the UP Faith & Family streaming app.
- If readers want to apply a 30% off coupon to their first month subscription, they can use our code STONES30.
- What would be a tremendous HELP is people watching as each one unfolds from the beginning, which is why we are encouraging people to sign up by Sept. 5th. (After the six weeks it will still be streaming.)
- Go to: https://upfaithandfamily.com
- Choose JOIN NOW.
- Choose monthly and add coupon code STONES30 for 30% off your first month.
- You can watch on smart TVs, iphones, ipads, or anywhere you can install their app. You can stream on ROKU, Amazon Fire Stick, and other similar devices by downloading the UP Faith and Family app, or stream through the web address provided.
The director, Susan Rohrer, and I have also written a study guide that goes with the TV show so churches and small groups can go through the series together and dive deeper into the themes we explore. The study guide is called, THESE STONES: Your Personal Devotional & Group Handbook for Season 1 and will be available on Amazon in multiple formats.
Through These Stones, we hope every viewer knows they are never alone. God is Emmanuel—God with us. We also hope to inspire all of us to come alongside those who are hurting, like the Virklers and many family members, friends, and counselors did for me.
Cheryl McKay
(Screenwriter of The Ultimate Gift, These Stones: The TV Series, Co-Writer Indivisible and Extraordinary, author of the 25 Dates with God devotional series, Finally Fearless, Finally the Bride, and co-author of Never the Bride.)
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