Author: Mark Virkler
3 Keys to the Anointing - Faith Energized by Love
Love? YUCK. I hate marketing. I don't enjoy management, I dislike money, and fear there will never be enough.
So yes, I do connect emotions to perhaps everything, but very often it is not the emotion of LOVE. Wonder if this is a problem in my life. Wonder if this halts the anointing from flowing in these areas. Could it be that faith and love are the two key elements that release the anointing of the Holy Spirit in our lives? I believe the answer is “YES.”
Three Keys to the Anointing (Gal. 5:6)
Now that we are “in Christ Jesus,” the thing that matters is faith energized by love. (paraphrase)
The Three Ingredients |
Faith (Pistis) |
Energized by (Energeo) |
Love (Agape)
Definition of |
Revelation birthed |
Energy released |
Love felt |
How they are activated in my life |
Faith is conceived as God speaks to me and shows me visions. I feel an impartation of faith, from the Holy Spirit. (Gen. 12-21; Jn. 5:28, 36; Rev. 1:9-11) |
With my eyes fixed on Jesus, I ask for His assistance and tune to flow. I always do what the Holy Spirit says so I don’t grieve Him and lose His felt presence. |
I look and I see Jesus in the situation loving! I say, “Yes, Lord, I will do what I am seeing,” at which point His love bubbles up within me. |
I experience… |
Faith grows as I ponder, speak, and act on what God has revealed. |
Energy is experienced as anointing. This activates the fruit and gifts of the Spirit. I live tuned to this flow. |
Love/compassion carry the waves of God’s power. Everything I touch now comes alive and is fruitful. |
Outcome |
In the fullness of God’s timing, God brings forth His miracle. |
His energy quickens all my senses putting them in a supercharged, anointed mode. |
I express compassion, and anointed ministry flows out through me. |
Two-way journaling
God, I have so many judgments against so many areas. Seems like I live in judgment and fear more than I live in faith, hope, and love.
That is true, My son, you do. You have been trained to do that from day one of your Christian experience. You were taught to judge all other denominations as not even being Christian or going to heaven!
You were trained to fear the world and the power of the antichrist. You were trained that it was all about your efforts to live a holy life and not that it was My Spirit that enabled you to live this holy life. So, you began with the upside-down gospel. But now I have set you free. You understand the workings of the Holy Spirit in your life. You have communion with God restored to your life. Through this, you have touched Me, and been healed by Me, and been transformed by Me and My love.
You have found that I love you even amid your fears, weakness, sins, and failures. My love never ends. Now you can turn around and love others and love all the things of the kingdom with the love that My Spirit births within you.
That is correct, you don’t need to grunt up this love. You ask Me to circumcise your heart and give you a new heart, and you see and feel it is done by My Spirit and you celebrate the transformation. Yes, you must choose to repent of your judgments and your fears as part of this process. You turn from sin to Me and ask Me to do the work of transforming you. Then you look, you see, you feel, you experience, and a miracle of transformation by My Spirit takes place.
You are to apply faith (My rhema and My vision) to every area of your life. You are to choose to love every gift I have provided as part of My kingdom promises. Then My anointing can flow into each area and you can walk in the fruit of My kingdom. This is the kingdom lifestyle. And yes, we continually apply this to area after area, year after year. It is a progression. It is ongoing growth. It is the light becoming brighter and brighter as you walk along the path of righteousness (Prov. 4:18). It is the Spirit-anointed lifestyle I talked about in Romans 8. It is My will for your life.
So pursue faith, energized by love, and let My anointing flow (Gal. 5:6)!
Journaling application
Lord, what area do You want me to apply faith energized by love?
Blogs to review
- All 26 N.T. verses showing faith and love working together (Worth reviewing and seeing)
- Does neutrality attract God’s promises and provisions in ANY area of my life? (NO)
- When Jesus Could NOT Do Miracles (But Could Still Do Therapeutic Cures) (No faith, no love)
- Mountain-Moving Faith (training audio/video)
Prayers That Heal the Heart - Revised & Expanded 20th Anniversary Edition
Free Video Event: August 12-21st
Register at https://go.cluschoolofthespirit.com/prayersevent
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