Author: Mark Virkler
LaWanda - Jesus, oh let there never be a day that I don’t rise to give you praise. I stand in awe of you, Lord. Oh, I stand in awe of you, Jesus, precious Lord. Your mercy and your grace poured out on me constantly. Even as your thoughts are toward me. More than every grain on every ocean shore. That’s how much you love me. I stand in awe, Lord, in awe of you.

I see you today, Lord, teaching a small group. I am at your feet, Lord, resting my head on your thigh. As you teach, your hand comes down to my head and rests there until you need it to make another point. I am sobbing as I rest there, Lord and don’t even know why. But it does not seem to matter. Each tear releases something I do not need – a lifetime of hurt, loss, sorrow. Thank you, Lord. I am done crying for now but know that I can come here at any time and rest. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, my precious Lord.
Jesus - LaWanda, My dear one, My precious, precious one, My beloved.
Will you be-loved by Me today, LaWanda? For that is what I want to do, My dear one, My beloved. Even as I speak these words, LaWanda, My love is covering you, protecting you from all that comes against you – even your own thoughts. My love is filling you with things to be given to others for My glory.
You will know, LaWanda, when to give, what and to whom. Holy Spirit is whispering in your ear even now. But when the moment arrives you will KNOW. Who, what, when and how much. Don’t question the why. Just listen to your heart because that is where Holy Spirit will be speaking.
Do not be concerned with the pauses as you write. Even they are purposeful. Trust Me. I am looking at your heart, LaWanda. You have come here this morning to be with ME. Not only does that make Me smile, but it also reminds Me of My promise to honor those who honor Me. And I am fulfilling that promise in you NOW. As you walk these days ahead without Mike, I will fill that empty place in your heart with My love. There is no room for grief to abide. It will not be able to take up residence in your heart, for My love has filled that space where it would have lived and grown until it consumed you. Satan has lost this battle, LaWanda, even as he will lose the war. For you are My Be-loved, LaWanda, and this is one of the many ways I am loving you today.
“…Far be it from Me; for those who honor Me I will honor, and those who despise Me shall be lightly esteemed.” 1 Samuel 2:30 NKJV
My husband of 25 years, Mike, relocated to heaven on November 14, 2022. What a gift of grace it was to receive this from Jesus just 32 days later. He has done exactly what He said He would do. He has filled every space in my heart that Mike occupied and has left no room for grief to abide. I am living a life of joy even without my beloved husband. What an awesome God we serve! Thank you, Jesus!
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