Author: Mark Virkler
How the Bible and the Spirit keep you from being deceived. Come get equipped with the skills of biblical meditation & hearing God's voice!
You can now register for this NEW seminar where I will spend eight hours training you how to avoid deception by learning how to properly meditate on Scripture as you listen to the Holy Spirit.
We will also explore the two ditches on both sides of this highway of light. One side is phariseeism, where one lives by biblical law rather than by the Spirit. The other ditch is when one avoids the Bible and simply seeks to live by the spirit, for example, the New Age Movement.
People often fall into one ditch or the other. We will carefully train you to learn how YOU can do original raw Bible research using the tool of e-Sword, a free downloadable Bible software program, while at the same time listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus said, "When He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come" (Jn. 16:13).
Amazing how we re-write that to say it is my mind and my careful study of the Bible and my theology that leads me into all truth!
Well, I am sure glad I can repent of my errors and move on to higher ground. May we all walk and live by the Spirit (Gal. 5:25)!
It is NOT the Bible OR the Spirit. It is the BIBLE AND THE SPIRIT! (100% Bible & 100% Spirit)
THE REAL - True Christianity: The Bible and the Spirit
1st COUNTERFEIT - New Age Movement: The spirit without the Bible
2nd COUNTERFEIT - Phariseeism: The Bible without the Spirit
Come and discover for yourself these lifechanging revelations in this hands-on workshop where we will practice truth together!
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