Author: Mark Virkler
God is our Dream Maker! He has placed a dream within the heart of each of us that only He can supernaturally bring to pass. God gave an impossible dream to Abraham, our Father of Faith. In this powerful message, Mark will show you how God filled the five senses of Abraham’s spirit with His truth and birthed a miracle out through him. You will also learn how you can walk in the same faith while you hear, see, ponder, speak and act out of the Father’s initiative, allowing Him alone to fill the senses of your spirit.
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You will discover
- How God intends your spirit to be the vehicle for His creativity.
- How to receive a word and vision from God.
- How to nurture God’s words and visions within your heart.
- How to release God’s creativity to a hurting and needy world.
Recapture your dreams. Release God’s creativity. Your life will never be the same.
This is a key revelation that Mark received from the Lord and has personally lived and taught for over 40 years. He considers it one of his signature messages. It opens the door to the supernatural fulfillment of God's dreams and visions in your life. It combines revelations that God initially gave to Kenneth Hagin and David (Paul) Yonggi Cho.
Filling all five senses every single day
We are always creating something through the five senses of our spirit. It is either God's light or satan's darkness. Concerning our health, we have a picture and an idea. Concerning our marriage, we have a picture and an idea. Concerning our finances, we have a picture and an idea. Concerning our children, we have a picture and an idea. We are pondering, speaking and acting on these pictures and ideas and releasing life or death.
Mastering this skill of ONLY allowing God to fill the five senses of our spirits is crucial to effective living. This one hour training will give you what you need to fill the five senses of your spirit with ONLY God the Holy Spirit and NEVER satan or his evil spirits.
Order here
You have a choice of hard copy or electronic downloads: https://www.cwgministries.org/store/mountain-moving-faith-video-download
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