Author: Mark Virkler
LaWanda - Oh, Lord, my God, my Savior, my King, my Heavenly Father. What a glorious sermon yesterday - the call to forgiveness. The debt we could NEVER pay – forgiven by your work on the CROSS. Thank you, Jesus. Help me to never hold unforgiveness against anyone. For I had a debt that I could never repay and you forgave it! Help me to do the same, Lord. Help me to do the same. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus!

Lord, I see you today with arms wide open as I run to You, returning home. Your face says it all – I AM FORGIVEN!!!. Hallelujah, I am forgiven! Forgiven to forgive. Thank you, Jesus!
Jesus - LaWanda, My dear one. There was no doubt about the outcome. You would return home. You would run to Me and fall into My waiting arms, the cleansing tears of repentance washing away all the debris you brought with you.
LaWanda, My dear one, My precious one. I am always waiting. And sometimes you must wait as well. And as you do, cry out for My wisdom so that when you move it is in My direction. You will know My wisdom when you hear it. It will make sense and it will bring peace and wholeness with it. If it does not bring peace, it is not My wisdom. Use this as your guide: Does it bring peace? Does it bring wholeness? Decide and then act accordingly, knowing that you are hearing My voice and not your own.
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